Meetings - Reports - Publications
ISMC News 14 Oct.
CZO Workshop + EU Soil Missions + Instagram + Protecting the Soil is Protecting the Climate + Featured Paper
ISMC News 18th Mar. 2021
Opening of the Conference 18th May 2021 - 1pm UTC; Registration open; Abstract submission extended; Featured Paper; Featured Soil Modeler
ISMC News 23rd Feb. 2021
ISMC Conference - Abstract deadline; Carbon Working Group Recruitment; Featured Paper; Featured Soil Modeler
Invitation for ISMC Working Groups
Soil thermal properties + Pedotransfer functions and land surface parameterization
July 2020
New ISMC Co-Chair + Diversity Statement + Rien van Genuchten Award extended to 30th Nov. 2020
May 27
SoilGrid 250m Release + Handbook: Soil Fauna + ERA5.1 Reanalysis + 2020 ASA, CSSA & SSSA Annual Meeting + Meetings 2021 + Research
Science Week
Agenda for the ISMC General Assembly + Become an ISMC Member + Vadose Zone Fun Quiz at EGU Session
General Assembly and ISMC Conference
ISMC Conference is post-poned and General Assembly to take place on May 5th
Abstracts Submission is Open
for the 3rd Conference - Advances in Modeling Soil Systems on September 24-27, 2020 hosted by Tianjin University, China.
Feb. 18th, 2020
Kirkham Travel Award + Community Review for the National Soil Moisture Strategy + Publications!
January 2020
Nature Communication + Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity + CSDMS + New 3D Model: CPlantBox + New Data Set: National Ecological Observatory Network
September 24-27, 2020 the 3rd ISMC Conference - Advances in Modeling Soil Systems will take place in Tianjin, China
Oct 31st, 2019
Nominations Science Panel Chairs + AGU Registration + EGU 2020 + CSDMS 2020 + ISCRAES + Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity
1st Oct. 2019
3rd ISMC Conference + Nominations Science Panel Leads + Reports + National Academies Workshop + Glinka World Soil Prize + Soil Meta Data Repository
News, Meetings, Registrations, Abstracts
350 years of phosphorus + 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting + AGU + ISMC 2020 Conference + CZO workshop + Community Science Outlets
3rd ISMC Conference
3rd ISMC Conference 2020 + Special Issue in Fronties in Soil Modeling + Message Board + Calendar
AGU abstracts, Conferences and Workshops
Apply for: pre-AGU Early Career Soil Scientists Event + Soils 4 EU Conference and Workshop + Global Conference on Sandy Soils 2020
Soil-MIP, CROSS-CONNECT, and DO-LINK, Soil Hydro-Physics data workshop, Conferences: ICT for Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change, AGU, EGU
News on Data and Model Intercomparison, Courses, and Partners
Submit to VZJ Special Section / TERENO NEON Carbon Workshop 2019 / OpenGeoHub foundation / CIRCASA project / DAISY short course / Data Portal / Model Intercomparison Portal -
March News
Input Needed: Soil Model Intercomparison; New Co-Chair! Community paper on Infiltration; Global Symposium on Soil Erosion; Global Soil Erosion Dataset
World Soils 2019
The World Soils 2019 user consultation meeting will take place from 02 - 03 July 2019 at ESA ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
Reminder: Eurosoil 2020 Session Proposals Deadline
The deadline for proposing sessions for EuroSoil 2020 conference in Geneva is 1st March.
Second International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM2020)
The Second International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM2020) will be held February 3-5, 2020 in Montpellier, France.
Input Needed: National Academies CORES study
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is conducting a study on Catalyzing Opportunities for Research in the Earth Sciences (CORES) for the Division of Earth Sciences at the National Science Foundation and wants to hear from you
Wageningen Soil Conference 2019 (WSC2019)
Wageningen Soil Conference “Understanding soil functions: from ped to planet” August 27-30th, 2019, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Come to the AGU ISMC Meeting 9th Dec.
Come to the ISMC Meeting on Sunday Dec. 9th, 2018. 10am - 4pm. Presentations are also possible - submit by e-mail to r.baatz @
9th PEDOFRACT July 2019 Conference in Barco de Avila, Spain
Please accept the invitation to the 9th PEDOFRACT Conference with the general topic “Advances in soil scaling: theories, techniques and applications” be held at Barco de Ávila (Spain) on July 9th-12th, 2019.
Syvitski Student Modeler Competition 2019
Deadline for application: January 7th, 2019. Submission details below. If you have completed an outstanding research project in 2018 which involved developing an earth science model, a modeling tool or module linking technology, you qualify to compete for this award!
SoPhie - Soil Hydro-Physics Data - next workshop in Gembloux - 30 Jan 2019
SoPhie supports the realisation of qualified soil hydro-physics (SHP) data, highly needed in EU policy making, coming from EU-wide agreed, preferred, and innovated cost-effective laboratory- and field methods, accomplished through international collaboration
ISMC at AGU 2018 and AGU's Soil SWIRL
Join us at the ISMC Meet-up on Sunday Dec. 9th, 2018. Also we inform you on the AGU Soil SWIRL
Call for Soil Hydraulic data!
Building on successful experience of the SWIG database. Publish your soil hydraulic data with us.
21st World Congress Soil Science 2018 - IUSS
From 12-17th August - the 21st World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS) was hosted by Brazil
Conference Programme and Important Updates
We expect an exciting modeling focussed conference! Each session has reserved plenty of time for discussion between speakers and audience! Looking forward to three intensive days!
Call for Award Nominees: Advances in Soil Modeling (extended)
towards the Rien van Genuchten Award and ISMC Early Career Award for outstanding contributions to the understanding of flow and transport processes in soils. It is dedicated to recognizing outstanding scientific achievements made by well-established researchers in the field of soil and vadose zone sciences.
Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) database published
ISMC is happy to share this awesome data collection. The brand new global database will enhance parameterization of phyiscally realistic global land surface modeling.
ISMC on Twitter; EGU2019 - Call-for-session-proposals; AGU approaching
The ISMC has recently joint Twitter; EGU2019 - Call-for-session-proposals by 8th Sep. and AGU is approaching
Abstract submission extended to Jul .15th - ISMC Conference
Abstract submission extended to 15th July. Conference on new perspectives in soil modeling.
TERENO International Conference 2018
From 8th to 12th of October 2018, the 2nd international TERENO conference will take place in Berlin, organized by the UFZ and TERENO. Abstracts due 22nd June!
ISMC Conference & Award. Abstracts deadline Jun. 15
The abstract submission deadline for the ISMC Conference is approaching (June 15); and 31st August is deadline for nominations for the Rien van Genuchten Award for advanced modeling of soil processes & ISMC Early Career Award
Workshop on benchmarking models of root system architecture
Summary of 1 day workshop on 17th May 2018, Jülich, on benchmarking models of root system architecture, root water uptake, and nutrient uptake.
DAISY Model Short Course 27-30. Aug. 2018
Short course on DAISY agro-ecological model. Instructors: Efstathios Diamantopoulos, Merete Elizabeth Styczen and Per Abrahamsen; 27-31 August 2018;
Hydrophysical Database for Brazilian Soils
HYBRAS gathers water retention data in a wide suction range (0-15000 cm) of Brazilian soils - open access
Pan-African Soil Challenge (PASCAL)
Workshop in High-Performance Computing (3 days) and Vadoze Zone processes (2 days); attractive side programme; Nov. 26-30, 2018; Register by June 30, 2018
ISMC Conference: New perspectives on soil models (Nov. 5-7, 2018)
Seven sessions highlight the advances in soil modeling during the ISMC Conference 2018. Nov. 5-7, 2018 at Wageningen University and Research. Call for abstracts. Abstract submission open from 30th April - 15th June 2018
ISMC open meeting @ EGU2018 Tue. 10/4/2018
ISMC Open Splinter Meeting to discuss on past and future activities of the ISMC. Time & place: Tue, 10 Apr, 17:30–19:00 / Room 0.16 at the EGU Austria Center Vienna
Global Symposium on Soil Pollution (FAO)
Register until 8 April 2018 to the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution (GSOP18) at FAO headquarters, Rome, from 2 to 4 May 2018. Outcomes will provide scientific evidence to support actions and decisions to prevent and reduce soil pollution for increased food security and nutrition, and ecosystem services, and promote the remediation of polluted sites.
OLAM-SOIL modeling workshop @EGU
Linking OLAM (Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model) with an Advanced Soil Modeling Platform (ASMP) for soil-centered representation of large-scale land-atmosphere interactions. Date: Sunday 8th April, 9am-5pm; part of the EGU meeting
Join CZO/LTER/NEON/ISMC Meeting Boulder remotely!
New Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN runs a survey to collect information on soil laboratories
The newly launched Global Soil Laboratory Network GLOSOLAN under the FAO Global Soil Partnership builds information on soil laboratories globally.
ISMCs Soil Water Infiltration Global Database now available!
The initiative of the global infiltration database has its first version of SWIG Database online.
ISMC contributions highlighted! ...and don't forget the abstract deadline for WCSS Rio tomorrow amd the ISMC conference call for sessions
Top stories identified by Eos editors and the DOE.
GSOP18, Global Symposium on Soil Pollution | 2 - 4 May 2018
Deadline for abstract submission | 15 February 2018
Come to Rio! Wilford Gardner fellowship for early career scholars to attend the World Congress of Soil Science in Rio de Janeiro in August 2018
WCSS Rio Conference: deadline for abstracts is the 20th of January 2018
Pedotransfer functions in Earth system science: challenges and perspectives
New ISMC paper in Reviews of Geophysics outlines perspectives of our activity: read the open access paper:
Webinar January17th, Data Resources and Accessibility Across Observation Networks and Platforms
ISMC-LTER-CZO-NEON Webinar series on data-model linking. 3th Webinar Jan17, 2018
EGU Soil Root session Call for abstracts
Do not miss the deadline for abstracts! Our members of soil root processes organize a session with a nice invitation to send in abstracts.
Interactive Webinar - Harmonizing scale & process representation across CZ models - CZO/LTER/NEON/ISMC
Second Webinar in the series preparing the workshop of Observation Network Data-Model linking of the CZO-LTER-NEON-ISMC collaboration.
ISMC sessions Calls for submitting abstracts open
Don't miss our sessions in Vienna (EGU) and Rio (IUSS) 2018!
Integration of terrestrial observational networks: opportunity for advancing Earth system dynamics modelling
In addition to the interactive webinar we organize this Wednesday 8th November, there is a ESD Journal discussion forum on our paper submission, in collaboration with CZO/LTER/NEON.
WCSS Rio Conference: Soilscape group joins us, call for abstracts open!
The Rio WCSS Conference brings the inauguration of our IUSS Work Group, and also the joining of the current Soilscape Work Group to our communitty. You can also contribute to this event: send in your abstracts to this event.
Have we overestimated the contribution of organic matter on soil water retention.
Our colleagues from the University of Sydney published new insights on the relationship between soil OC and available water capacity that contradict earlier assumed controls. This controversial paper can be found in European Journal of Soil Science: doi: 10.1111/ejss.12475
ISMC co-organizes this workshop and each of the organizing networks will invite Early Career candidates to this event; the elected participants will be granted funding for travel and lodging. So, if you’re a young scientist and think this workshop really lines up with your work, please send ISMC office a short application in a few phrases, of what makes you the best ISMC candidate. Selection within 10 days!
ISMC Pre-AGU Fall Meetings
9-10 December ISMC expert meetings on the global OLAM Soil model and Pedotransfer functions in Earth systems modeling.
6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter
3–7 September 2017 • Rothamsted Research • Harpenden (UK)
Please do the Model Survey!
ISMC and CZEN/ILTER organize a survey of models using data from long term and critical zone observatories. If you have used data of CZO or LTER sites in your modeling, we invite you to take part in this survey, which can foster our work on linking data to models. Please do the survey before the end of April!
Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study (iLEAPS), 5th Science Conference in Oxford, United Kingdom
11th - 14th September 2017, abstract submission deadline 1 June.
Remember to submit your abstract to SOM2017 by 15 April!
6th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter 3–7 September 2017 • Rothamsted Research • Harpenden (UK)
Wageningen Soil Conference, submission deadline
Reminder to submit abstracts for the Wageningen Soil Conference, held from 27th to 31st August 2017, at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to the 3rd of April.
Today's Science cover duplicates our homepage
Soil responses to warming tested, the front picture of Science looks like a copy of our new homepage header, so we invite to visit both!
Goldschmidt Conference, Session 11o: Soil-Plant Interactions: Experimental and Modelling Approaches
Paris, August 13-18th 2017
Soil Science in a Changing World 27-31 AUGUST 2017 WAGENINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS
Wageningen University & Research would like to invite you to the third edition of the Wageningen Soil Conference, to discuss novel insights in (applied) soil science
Executive Board election closed
The election of chairs for the Science panel is now closed. The new Executive Board will be presented at the EGU Annual Convention 2017 in splinter room 0.15 on Tuesday 25 April from 17:30 – 19:00h, where we will also discuss future ISMC activities. The meeting has the session number SMP4.
The state and future of U.S. Soils. Framework for a Federal Strategic Plan for Soil Science
Document for Public Comment Product of the Subcommittee on Ecological Systems, Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Sustainability of the National Science And Technology Council
The deadline for the 2017 CSDMS Student Modeler Competition is fast approaching. Applications will be accepted through next Monday, January 9th, 2017.