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Vacancies July 10 2023

PostDoc in Environmental Science / Pyrogenic carbon,Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Switzerland
As part of the multidisciplinary project of the Swiss Center of Excellence on Net-Zero Emissions of the ETH domain, you will assess the quality of various types of pyrolized carbon and test the biological stability in lab and field experiments partly using isotope approaches. You will also evaluate the storage potential and beneficial effect in soils. Furthermore, you will closely collaborate with other projects improving the production of pyrogenic carbon and testing their use in other materials. Start date: October 2023
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Washington University, USA
The postdoc will work within the tri-agency Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) by adding statistical, data science, and pedometric expertise to the project team. The position will help propel scientific understanding of soil health in Washington State using advanced statistical analysis to: 1) Identify and describe relationships between management practices, soil health indicators, and soil functions across Washington’s cropping systems and regions; 2) Quantify the relative contributions of management, climate, crop type, and soil properties to indicator response; 3) Evaluate indicators to determine which are most predictive of environmental or agricultural benefits; and 4) Contribute scientific understanding of indicators and management practices to customizable decision-support tools, peer-reviewed publications, and outreach materials. Duties include 1) Statistical analysis; 2) Communication and collaboration; and 3) Other. Deadline Jul 25, 2023
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Land Surface Processes at the California Institute of Technology, USA
The Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology is seeking outstanding applicants for a tenure-track faculty position. We seek individuals who will lead an innovative research program, are committed to teaching and mentorship of students and postdoctoral fellows, and are committed to enhancing the diversity of the Institute. We invite applicants who study physical, chemical and/or biological processes at Earth’s surface and shallow subsurface and their impact on life-sustaining resources, habitats, and climate. Research areas of interest include the carbon cycle and terrestrial ecology, hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, dynamics of the cryosphere, soil formation and dynamics, and interactions of the land surface with the climate system. We are interested in basic and applied science, including the impact of global change on land surface processes. Deadline September 5 2023, see link for details
Assistant Professor- Soil carbon Scientist/Modeler, State University of New York, USA
The State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) in Syracuse, NY is initiating a faculty cluster in the Bioeconomy, Climate and Renewable Energy. The cluster will enhance SUNY ESF's leadership role in addressing these topics at state, national and international levels. We are hiring five tenure-track positions in two departments: (1) Chemical/Bioresource/Agricultural Engineering in Dept. of Chemical Engineering - (, and (2) Natural Resource Economics, (3) Landscape Modeling, (4) Soil Carbon Scientist/Modeler (5) Carbon in the Built Environment, in the Department of Sustainable Resources Management ( The successful candidates for these positions are expected to participate actively and sustainably in this interdisciplinary Bioeconomy Cluster initiative, with participation in this Cluster included as an important criterion in performance evaluations. Deadline: N/A, see link for details
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