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Contact information

Scientific office

The scientific office is provided and accomodated by the Jülich Research Center. For any questions or ideas, feel free to contact us.

Scientific Coordination Office: Lutz Weihermüller

Further individual contacts:

Lutz Weihermüller1 (Treasurer and coordination office)

Martine van der Ploeg2 (ISMC Co-Chair)

Yijian  Zeng3 (ISMC Co-Chair)



Postal Address:


International Soil Modeling Consortium
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
IBG-3: Lutz Weihermüller
Wilhelm Johnen Str.
52428 Jülich

1 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences 3,Germany.

2 Wageningen University, The Netherlands

3 Twente University, The Netherlands

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