Vacancies 15 March 2022
Seven Phd Position, Multiple location, USA
The new NSF-funded Deep Soil Ecotron Facility (DSE) is recruiting seven doctoral students to join a multi-institution research team who over the next 5 years will design, commission and establish the seminal research focus for the DSE. The DSE will enable investigators to simultaneously manipulate both abiotic and biotic factors (e.g., climate, plant community, soil type) of deep soils to understand their impact on whole ecosystem processes and response to global change. The seven PhD students will take leading roles in the establishment of core projects and capabilities that contribute to the DSE scientific objectives: See link for deadline and details.
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University, USA
The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Hydroclimate and Vegetation Modeling. The successful candidate will design and implement research within a highly collaborative group on a newly funded DOE project that aims to elucidate how vegetation shapes the characteristics of droughts globally. Along with a keen interest in large-scale hydroclimate and its social impacts, the candidate should have the ability to analyze and manipulate large, distributed ecological, meterological and climate datasets in a Linux-based computing system, as well as familiarity with Earth system modeling (particularly of the land surface), the coordinated experiments performed with such models, as well as their output. The position will be based at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory campus in Palisades, NY, in the research groups of Jason Smerdon and Richard Seager, but is part of a large, inclusive, and collaborative group working on related problems at Dartmouth College (Justin Mankin), the University of California, Los Angeles, (Park Williams), and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Kate Marvel and Benjamin Cook). Deadline: NA
See link for details:!/91252
Postdoctoral Research Associate, UC Davis, USA
The wine grape industry is increasingly interested in farming practices that improve soil health and mitigate climate change through carbon (C) sequestration. To adopt more sustainable, regenerative practices, the industry needs to understand their benefits and potential drawbacks. The Soil Biodiversity and Health laboratory of Dr. Cristina Lazcano at the University of California Davis is seeking a postdoctoral researcher in the areas of soil health, regenerative farming, and socioeconomics. The postdoctoral scholar will be part of a cohort of four new postdocs working at the Lazcano Lab to evaluate the potential of regenerative farming to improve soil health from different perspectives. The successful candidate will work within the framework of a large, multidisciplinary project investigating the potential of regenerative farming to improve soil health and sequester C in wine grape vineyards of California and Oregon. Review of applications will start after 03/27/2022, and the position will remain open until filled. See link for details:
The student will develop a soil biogeochemistry model which encompasses the impact of sulphur and nitrogen on CH4 production and emission in the soil. The parameterisation will be incorporated into the latest version of the JULES model, which includes the latest carbon and nitrogen cycle descriptions, and hydrology and CH4 wetland models.
The impact of these pollutants on CH4 generation through changes in soil biogeochemistry, and direct and diffuse surface radiation will then be incorporated and assessed with JULES. This will include evaluation of both long-term trends and inter-annual variability. Validation will include comparisons against: field data; estimated large-scale emissions, such as from atmospheric inversion models; and historical atmospheric CH4 concentrations by using a simple model of atmospheric CH4 lifetime.There is the potential to run the model off-line for future socio-economic scenarios such as how it affects estimates of allowed anthropogenic emissions consistent with Paris climate targets. See links for details