The University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science seeks for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Agricultural Micrometeorology
Position Description: The Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) will participate in an exciting multidisciplinary research project supported by NSERC/SSHRC that aims to determine how different land management strategies contribute towards net-zero and sustainability goals in the Eastern Prairies of Canada. Specifically, the PDF will lead the establishment of a network of eddy flux towers to evaluate carbon and water budgets/dynamics of different perennialization strategies that encompass a range of ecological intensification practices in central Manitoba. The PDF will be supervised by Dr. Henrique Carvalho and will work in close collaboration with the other faculty members leading the project. The PDF will have the opportunity to mentor graduate and undergraduate students. Professional development activities including participation in conferences and publication of research results will be supported. Anticipated start is in the Fall of 2024.
Requirements: Ph.D. degree with a focus in biometeorology or related discipline. Experience with field research, micrometeorological instrumentation, and data analysis are desired. The successful candidate must demonstrate the ability to independently lead research projects and publish in peer-review journals.
Support: Funding for this position is available for 4 years and include benefits in addition to salary.
Contact Information: For further inquiries about this opportunity or to apply for this position please contact Dr. Henrique Carvalho at
Application: Candidates must submit a CV, cover letter, and two professional reference contacts.
PhD and postdoc positions at the University of Manitoba (Canada)
There are 2 graduate student assistantship (or 1 postdoc fellowship) opportunities on a project related to water resources management for sustainable agriculture across different scales in the Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Candidates with interests in and one or more backgrounds/trainings of following areas: measurement and modelling of soil hydrothermal properties and processes in seasonally frozen soils, digital soil mapping, and land surface/climate modelling, are encouraged to apply. These positions will remain open till filled. For graduate students the application deadlines and requirements can be found at here. Candidates are encouraged to email Dr. He at before application with cover letter, CV, transcripts, thesis and up to 3 sample publications bundled in a single PDF file. Dr. He also hosts visiting students/scholars, please feel free to contact for more information.