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VSoil Platform

Year of publication:
VSoil Platform

VSoil platform

The VSoil group : F. Lafolie, I. Cousin, V. Pot, A. Mollier, Ni. Moitrier, Na. Moitrier, C. Nouguier, N. Beudez, P. Mouginot. (INRA, France)




Description :

The platforms aims at providing a mean for sharing and coupling modelling tools developed in various scientific fields of interest for soil sciences. It also aims at facilitating the communication and collaboration between people with various scientific backgrounds. The VSoil platform is based on the idea that we can define different biological, physical and chemical processes taking place in soils and for each of these processes lists of input and output variables that are needed and produced by these processes. Using this information, the platform finds the links between the processes and creates skeletons that will be used to build models. The second assumption is that for any process several representations can be available. We call these representations: modules. The modules correspond to various modelling, or mathematical representations, or numerical solutions, etc... . A module uses a subset of the input and output variables defined for the process it is attached to. Hence, the platform contains a list of processes and variables that can be freely increased by adding new processes and variables and contains also already available modules for some processes. The platform offers a studio to develop and test new modules. Last the platform user can create its own model by assembling modules. During this task, the platform helps by displaying information on available modules and compatibility between modules. A model is created if the modules receive all the variables they need. At this stage, a main program and a GUI are automatically created for the model. The model can be run and the results can be visualized inside the platform or exported in csv format. Models can be saved and later modified. Modules source codes are available and the models can be compiled and run outside of the platform. Tools are available to compare outputs of several models. Also, a sensitivity analysis will soon be available using R procedures. The platform also offers tools to exchange modules or models between co-workers. We wish that platform users who develop new modules or models make these new tools available to all other users, for example after publication. A charter defining some fair rules for platform use and citation is available.



Technical information

Operating system(s): Linux, Windows

Licence: Owner

Export format(s): csv and png

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