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MONICA - The Model for Nitrogen and Carbon in Agro-ecosystems


C. Nendel, X. Specka, M. Berg





MONICA is a one-dimensional, dynamic, process-based simulation model which describes transport and bio-chemical turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and water in agro-ecosystems. Using a daily time step, MONICA simulates the most important processes in soil and plant and their feed-back relations. MONICA is a successor of the HERMES model (Kersebaum 2007), adding a full carbon cycle to it to support research questions on carbon dynamics under climate change. For this, the simple HERMES algorithm for the calculation of nitrogen mineralisation from soil organic matter was replaced by the more comprehensive approach used in the Danish DAISY model, which also considers soil microbial biomass dynamics. MONICA considers the impact of atmospheric CO2 concentration on the crop’s photosynthesis and transpiration as well as heat stress and frost kill. It is part of the LandCaRe Decision Support System (Wenkel et al, 2013) and has successfully participated in most of the recent crop model intercomparisons in the framework of AgMIP and MACSUR as well as in research projects in Germany and Brazil. MONICA has been validated for both temperate and tropical conditions, offering parameter sets for typical crop of these environments, also at the variety level. MONICA has been judged fit for purpose for Genotype × Environment × Management (G×E×M) simulations, considered sine qua non for state-of-the art climate change mitigation and adaptation studies and is specialised for soil-crop interaction effects. MONICA was programmed in C++.


Scientific articles

Salo, T., T. Palosuo, K.C. Kersebaum, C. Nendel, C. Angulo, M. Bindi, F. Ewert, R. Ferrise, P. Hlavinka, M. Moriondo, J. E. Olesen, R. Patil, F. Ruget, J. Takáč, M. Trnka and R.P. Rötter (2016): Comparing the performance of eleven agro-ecosystem models in predicting crop yield response to nitrogen under Finnish weather conditions. J. Agric. Sci., accepted.

Specka, X., C. Nendel, U. Hagemann, M. Pohl, M. Hoffmann, D. Barkusky, J. Augustin, M. Sommer, and K. van Oost (2016): Reproducing CO2 exchange rates of a crop rotation at contrasting terrain positions using two different modelling approaches. Soil Till. Res.,

Makowski, D., S. Asseng, F. Ewert, S. Bassu, J.L. Durand, T. Li, P. Martre, M. Adam, P.K. Aggarwal, C. Angulo, C. Baron, B. Basso, P. Bertuzzi, C. Biernath, H. Boogaard, K.J. Boote, B. Bouman, S. Bregaglio, N. Brisson, S. Buis, D. Cammarano, A.J. Challinor, J.G. R. Confalonieri, Conijn, M. Corbeels, D. Deryng, G. De Sanctis, J. Doltra, T. Fumoto, D. Gaydon, S. Gayler, R. Goldberg, R. Grant, P. Grassini,  J.L. Hatfield, T. Hasegawa, L. Heng, S. Hoek, J. Hooker, L.A. Hunt, J. Ingwersen, R.C. Izaurralde, R.E.E. Jongschaap, J.W. Jones, R.A. Kemanian, K.C. Kersebaum, S.-H. Kim, J. Lizaso, M. Marcaida III, C. Müller, H. Nakagawa, S. Naresh Kumar, C. Nendel, G.J. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, P. Oriol, T. M. Osborne, T. Palosuo, M.V. Pravia, E. Priesack, D. Ripoche, C. Rosenzweig, A.C. Ruane, F. Ruget, F. Sau, M.A. Semenov, I. Shcherbak, B. Singh, U. Singh, H.K Soo, P. Steduto, C. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, L. Tang, F. Tao, E.I. Teixeira, P. Thorburn, D. Timlin, M. Travasso, R.P. Rötter, K. Waha, D. Wallach, J.W. White, P. Wilkens, J.R. Williams, J. Wolf , X. Yin, H. Yoshida, Z. Zhang and Y. Zhu (2015): A statistical analysis of three ensembles of crop model responses to climate change factors. Agr. Forest Meteorol. 214/215, 483–493.

Pirttioja, N., S. Fronzek, M. Bindi, T.R. Carter, H. Hoffmann, T. Palosuo, M. Ruiz Ramos, M. Trnka, M. Acutis, S. Asseng, P. Baranowski, B. Basso, P. Bodin, S. Buis, D. Cammarano, P. Deligios, L. Doro, B. Dumont, F. Ewert, R. Ferrise, M.F. Destain, T. Gaiser, P. Hlavinka, K.C. Kersebaum, C. Kollas, J. Krzyszczak, I. Lorite Torres, J. Minet, I. Mínguez Tudela, M. Montesino, M. Moriondo, C. Müller, C. Nendel, I. Öztürk, A. Perego, A. Rodríguez, F. Ruget, M. Sanna, M. Semenov, C. Slawinski, P. Stratonovitch, I. Supit, F. Tao, E. Wang, L.H. Wu and R.P. Rötter (2015): Temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect: a crop model ensemble analysis using impact response surfaces. Clim. Res., 65, 87–105.

Hoffmann, H., G. Zhao , L.G.J. van Bussel, A. Enders, X. Specka, C. Sosa, J. Yeluripati, F. Tao, J. Constantin, H. Raynal, E. Teixeira, B. Grosz, R. Dechow, L. Doro, Z. Zhao, E. Wang, C. Nendel, K.C. Kersebaum, E. Haas, R. Kiese, S. Klatt, H. Eckersten, E. Vanuytrecht, M. Kuhnert, E. Lewan, M. Bach, R.P. Rötter, P.P. Roggero, D. Wallach, D. Cammarano, S. Asseng, G. Krauss, S. Siebert, T. Gaiser and F. Ewert (2015): Variability of spatial aggregation effects of climate data on regional yield simulation by crop models for a selected region in Germany. Clim. Res. 65, 53–69.

Zhao, G., H. Hoffmann, L.G.J van Bussel, A. Enders, X. Specka, C. Sosa, J. Yeluripati, F.L. Tao, J. Constantin, E. Teixeira, B. Grosz, L. Doro, Z. Zhao, C. Nendel, R. Kiese, H. Raynal, H. Eckersten, E. Haas, E. Wang, M. Kuhnert, G. Trombi, M. Bindi, M. Moriondo, E. Lewan, M. Bach, K.C. Kersebaum, R.P. Rötter, P.P. Roggero, D. Wallach, G. Krauss, S. Siebert, T. Gaiser, F. Ewert (2015): Effect of weather data aggregation on regional crop simulation for different crops, production conditions and response variables. Clim. Res. 65, 141–157.

Specka, X., C. Nendel and R. Wieland (2015): Analysing the parameter sensitivity of the agro-ecosystem model MONICA for different crops. Eur. J. Agron. 71, 73–87.

Kollas, C., K.C. Kersebaum, C. Nendel, K. Manevski, C. Müller, T. Palosuo, C.M. Armas-Herrera, N. Beaudoin, M. Bindi, M. Charfeddine, T. Conradt, J. Constantin, J. Eitzinger, F. Ewert, R. Ferrise, T. Gaiser, I. Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri, L. Giglio, P. Hlavinka, H. Hoffmann, M.P. Hoffmann, M. Launay, R. Manderscheid, B. Mary, W. Mirschel, M. Moriondo, J. Olesen, I. Öztürk, A. Pacholsky, D. Ripoche-Wachter, P.P. Roggero, S. Roncossek, R.P. Rötter, F. Ruget, B. Sharif, J. Takáč, M. Trnka, D. Ventrella, K. Waha, M. Wegehenkel, H.J. Weigel and L.H. Wu (2015): Crop rotation modelling – a European model intercomparison. Eur. J. Agron. 70, 98¬–111.

Asseng, S., F. Ewert, P. Martre, R.P. Rötter, D.B. Lobell, D. Cammarano, B.A. Kimball, M.J. Ottman, G.W. Wall, J.W. White, M.P. Reynolds, P.D. Alderman, P.V.V. Prasad, P.K. Aggarwal, J. Anothai, B. Basso, C. Biernath, A. Challinor, G. De Sanctis, J. Doltra, E. Fereres, M. Garcia-Vila, S. Gayler, G. Hoogenboom, T. Hunt, C. Izaurralde, M. Jabloun, C.D. Jones, K.C. Kersebaum, A.-K. Koehler, C. Müller, S. Naresh Kumar, C. Nendel, G. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, T. Palosuo, E. Priesack, E. Eyshi Rezaei, A.C. Ruane, M. Semenov, I. Shcherbak, P. Steduto, C. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, P. Thorburn, K. Waha, E. Wang, D. Wallach, J. Wolf,  Z. Zhao and Y. Zhu (2015): Rising heat reduces global wheat production. Nature Clim. Change 5 (2), 143–147.

Gutzler, C., K. Helming, D. Balla, R. Dannowski, D. Deumlich, M. Glemnitz, A. Knierim, W. Mirschel, C. Nendel, C. Paul, S. Sieber, U. Stachow, A. Starick, R. Wieland, A. Wurbs and P. Zander (2015): Agricultural land use changes – a scenario-based sustainability impact assessment for Brandenburg, Germany. Ecol. Indic. 48, 505–517.

Martre, P., D. Wallach, S. Asseng, F. Ewert, C. Rosenzweig, J.W. Jones, J.L. Hatfield, A.C. Ruane, K.J. Boote, P.J. Thorburn, R.P. Rötter, D. Cammarano, P.K. Aggarwal, C. Angulo, B. Basso, P. Bertuzzi, C. Biernath, N. Brisson, A.J. Challinor, J. Doltra, S. Gayler, R. Goldberg, R. Grant, L. Heng, J. Hooker, L.A. Hunt, J. Ingwersen, R.C. Izaurralde, K.C. Kersebaum, C. Müller, S. Naresh Kumar, C. Nendel, G. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, T.M. Osborne, T. Palosuo, E. Priesack, D. Ripoche, M.A. Semenov, I. Shcherbak, P. Steduto, C.O. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, M. Travasso, K. Waha, J.W. White and J. Wolf (2015): Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: Many models are better than one. Glob. Change Biol. 21 (2), 911–925.

Bassu, S., N. Brisson, J.L. Durand, K.J. Boote, J. Lizaso, J.W. Jones, C. Rosenzweig, A.C. Ruane, M. Adam, C. Baron, B. Basso, C. Biernath, H. Boogard, S. Conijn, M. Corbeels, D. Deryng, G. de Sanctis, S. Gayler, P. Grassini, J.L. Hatfield, S.B. Hoek, C. Izaurralde, R. Jongschaap, A.R. Kemanian, K.C. Kersebaum, S. Naresh Kumar, D. Makowski, C. Müller, C. Nendel, E. Priesack, M.V. Pravia, S.H. Kim,  F. Sau, I. Shcherbak, F.L. Tao, E. Teixeira, D. Timlin and K. Waha (2014): How do various maize crop models vary in their responses to climate change factors? Glob. Change Biol. 20 (7), 2301–2320.

Münch, T., M. Berg, W. Mirschel, R. Wieland and C. Nendel (2014): Considering cost accountancy items in crop production simulations under climate change. Eur. J. Agron. 52, 57–68.

Nendel, C., K.C. Kersebaum, W. Mirschel and K.O. Wenkel (2014):  Testing farm management options as a climate change adaptation strategy using the MONICA model. Eur. J. Agron. 52, 47–56.

Wenkel, K.O., M. Berg, W. Mirschel, R. Wieland, C. Nendel and B. Köstner (2013): LandCaRe DSS –An interactive decision support system for climate change impact assessment and the analysis of potential agricultural land use adaptation strategies. J. Environ. Manage. 127, 168–183.

Asseng, S., F. Ewert, C. Rosenzweig, J.W. Jones, J.L. Hatfield, A. Ruane, K.J. Boote, P. Thorburn, R.P. Rötter, D. Cammarano, N. Brisson, B. Basso, P. Martre, P.K. Aggarwal, C. Angulo, P. Bertuzzi, C. Biernath, A. Challinor, J. Doltra, S. Gayler, R. Goldberg, R. Grant, L. Heng, J. Hooker, T. Hunt, J. Ingwersen, C. Izaurralde, K.C. Kersebaum, C. Müller, S. Naresh Kumar, C. Nendel, G. O’Leary, J.E. Olesen, T.M. Osborne, T. Palosuo, E. Priesack, D. Ripoche, M. Semenov, I. Shcherbak, P. Steduto, C. Stöckle, P. Stratonovitch, T. Streck, I. Supit, F. Tao, M. Travasso, K. Waha, D. Wallach, J. White, J.R. Williams and J. Wolf (2013): Quantifying uncertainties in simulating wheat yields under climate change. Nature Clim. Change 3, 827–832.

Nendel, C., R. Wieland, W. Mirschel, X. Specka, C. Guddat and K.C. Kersebaum (2013): Simulating winter wheat yields using input data of different spatial resolution. Field Crop. Res. 145, 67–77.

Rötter, R.P., T. Palosuo, K.C. Kersebaum, C. Angulo, M. Bindi, F. Ewert, R. Ferrise, P. Hlavinka, M. Moriondo, C. Nendel, J. E. Olesen, R. Patil, F. Ruget, J. Takáč and M. Trnka (2012): Simulation of spring barley yield in different climatic zones of Northern and Central Europe – A comparison of nine crop models. Field Crop. Res. 133, 23–36.

Nendel, C., M. Berg, K.C. Kersebaum, W. Mirschel, X. Specka, M. Wegehenkel, K.O. Wenkel and R. Wieland (2011): The MONICA model: Testing predictability for crop growth, soil moisture and nitrogen dynamics. Ecol. Model. 222 (9), 1614–1625.


Technical information

Operating system(s): Windows/Linux

Licence: Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v.2

Output(s): Various soil, crop and atmosphere state variables, daily.

Export format(s): txt

Other information: MONICA code is available at GitHub (

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