How can we train people to use soil models and how can we transfer modelling expertise in future
by admin
by Guilherme Sobrinho
September 21. 2020
LEACHM Model for estimation of N leaching
by Joseph Tamale
No replies yet
by Joseph Tamale
November 04. 2018
by NR Patel
by Roland Baatz
October 23. 2018
Are you willing to support in writing the white paper as a lead author of a section (Yes/No) or by providing input to a section (Yes/No)?
by Andrea Schnepf
by Mathieu Javaux
July 01. 2014
How and why to intercompare soil models? What do we learn from it?
by admin
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
How can we evaluate model prediction uncertainty and communicate this to users of simulation results
by admin
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
How do we integrate detailed vadose zone modeling efforts in large-scale weather and climate models?
by Andrea Schnepf
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
How can we distinguish between aleatory and epistemic (model structural) errors? This is key to improving our knowledge and theory of soil moisture flow and contaminant transport through variably saturated porous media.
by Andrea Schnepf
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
What are the problems in model-data integration with respect to model calibration and validation, parameter estimation and linking spatial soil information with models?
by admin
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
What are the challenges and needs in upscaling soil processes?
by admin
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
What are promising new measurement techniques that may contribute to improve modelling of soil processes?
by admin
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
Which processes should deserve more attention or be better described in soil models?
by admin
by Thomas Wöhling
June 30. 2014
How to better integrate soil modelling expertise and knowledge within different soil disciplines?
by admin
by Horst H. Gerke
June 29. 2014
How can the establishment of an international soil modelling consortium support in solving these questions?
by admin
by Andreas Schwen
June 27. 2014
How can hydrogeophysical measurement efforts aid large-scale hydrologic modeling?
by Andrea Schnepf
by Andreas Schwen
June 26. 2014
How to link soil modelling expertise with neighboring disciplines and compartments?
by admin
by Horst H. Gerke
June 25. 2014
What kind of theoretical and numerical developments are needed to advance modelling of soil processes?
by admin
by Harry Vereecken
June 22. 2014
How do we combine soil data with different spatial and temporal support in model-data fusion analysis?
by Andrea Schnepf
June 16. 2014