Vacancy: An academic position in Soil-plant-atmosphere system modelling
The Université catholique de Louvain invites applications for a tenure track or tenured full time position in Agricultural and environmental sciences
This position is opened in close collaboration with the Agrosphere Institute IBG-3 at the Forschungszentrum Jülich where the successful candidate will spend part of his/her time (secondment).
The successful candidate will carry out an original research on modelling of plant/vegetation processes aiming at integrating physiological processes into soil-root-plant models. These processes include water, nutrient and chemical signal fluxes in the plant as well as carbohydrate fluxes allowing characterizing root/shoot partitioning, organ allocation, and root exudation. In addition, exchange processes between the plant, its microclimate and the atmosphere will have to be considered.
The research will take advantage and strengthen the existing collaboration in soil-plant-atmosphere modelling between IBG-3 and UCL capitalizing on existing development for small-scale detailed process modelling and on experimental facilities such as AGRASIM, field scale rhizotron as well as geophysical and isotopic techniques. The successful candidate will pursue his/her research activities within the Bio- and Geociences Institute (IBG) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) in close interaction with the Earth and Life Institute (ELI) at UCL.
The successful candidate will have teaching assignments in the fields of plant sciences and plant modelling within the master degree programmes organised by the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering on the campus of Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. The successful candidate will also contribute to research training in the perspective of bioengineering careers and will share his/her knowledge in the field of engineering technology (environmental modelling and remote sensing). The implementation of equal opportunities is a cornerstone of staff policy at Forschungszentrum Jülich and UCL. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. We also welcome applications from disabled persons. Forschungszentrum Jülich has a dual career service and is a member of the Dual Career Network Rhineland. More information at
Starting date : 1st September, 2016
Further information :
Professor Yvan Larondelle, dean AGRO –
Professor Claude Bragard, research director ELI –
Localization : Science and Technology Sector Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (AGRO) ( Earth and Life Institute (ELI) (
General conditions
Tasks : the applicant will:
- be responsible for teaching courses at all study levels (i.e. undergraduate and postgraduate), as well as in programmes of continuing education;
- supervise the final diploma research (i.e. theses) of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as PhD theses;
- be involved in (and/or supervise, promote) research programmes;
- contribute to the international visibility of the University through teaching and research excellence;
- contribute to activities of the University with a societal impact in the fields of the economy, socio-cultural changes or cooperation with developing countries.
Qualifications : the applicant must have
- a PhD degree in Environmental engineering, agronomy, or any related discipline;
- a significant scientific record with international publications;
- either studied abroad for an extensive period or have had substantial experience outside the UCL;
- experience in and the aptitude for teaching at university level;
- the capacity to work within a team of teachers and to integrate research findings into teaching;
- creativity and must be open to teaching innovation and interdisciplinarity;
- the capacities required to undertake high-level academic research:capacity to raise research fundings, to supervise projects, to animate and lead a research team;
- good knowledge of both spoken and written French and English. If this is not the case, the applicant accept to learn French and/or English in order to be able to teach in French and English within 2 years. Fluency in other languages is an additional advantage.