April 27
Belmont Forum
"The Belmont Forum is pleased to announce the launch of a collaborative research call on the theme: Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater for Society. The goal of this CRA is to produce the necessary knowledge and propose solutions to maintain well-functioning soils and groundwater systems in the Critical Zone1, or rehabilitate them where degraded, through:"
- Better understanding of the long- and shorter-time dynamics and functions of soils and groundwater, impacts from societal (including economics) decisions, integrative management practices, public policies, and how these systems have been transformed; and,
- Providing avenues, pathways, and narratives toward transformation of management practices of the whole soil and groundwater systems through a fundamental shift of socio-economic actors’ practices and related-decisions making processes.
Funding possibility through:"
Annex | Country | Funding Agency Abbr. | Funding Agency | Funding Agency Website |
Annex | Chinese Taipei | MOST | Ministry of Science and Technology | www.most.gov.tw |
Annex | France | AllEnvi | French Alliance for Environmental Research | www.allenvi.fr |
Annex | France | ANR | National Research Agency | anr.fr/cra-du-belmont-forum-vers-la-durabilite-des-sols |
Annex | Italy | CNR-DSSTTA | National Research Council of Italy, Department Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies |
www.dta.cnr.it |
Annex | Japan | JST | Japan Science and Technology Agency | www.jst.go.jp |
Annex | Qatar | QNRF | Qatar National Research Fund | www.qnrf.org |
Annex | Russia | RFBR | Russian Foundation for Basic Research | www.rfbr.ru |
Annex | Saudi Arabia | KAUST | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology | www.kaust.edu.sa/en |
Annex | United States | NSF | National Science Foundation | www.nsf.gov |
More info here: https://www.belmontforum.org/cras/#soils2020
Three upcoming virtual meetings:
European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2020
Scientific sessions: download presentation materials, discuss through public commenting, and participate in live text-based chats. More information on the scientific sessions' page.
Union symposia: 5 interactive webinars discuss overarching and interdisciplinary topics of EGU-wide interest.
Great debates: join in the debate of 5 current discussion topics in the geosciences.
Short courses: each day one or two short courses are available as webinars.
Townhall meetings: join in the discussion of new initiatives and opportunities of geoscientific interest via live, text-based chat.
Photo Competition: vote in the online EGU Photo Competition.
#shareEGUart: follow our online artists, Stacy Phillips and Priyanka Das Rajkakati, and share your own creativity around your research with the hashtag #shareEGUart.
Division meetings: update yourself on division news and give feedback.
Networking events: meet your colleagues.
CSDMS 2020 Annual Meeting
CSDMS 2020 Annual Meeting is now virtual and open to all CSDMS members!
CSDMS homepage
Ecological Forecasting Initiative 2020: Coordinating the NEON-enabled forecasting challenge
Featured publication:
Vetrovski et al. 2020 GlobalFungi: Global database of fungal records from high-throughput-sequencing metabarcoding studies. bioRxiv 2020.04.24.060384; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.24.060384
A collection of 120 million of unique sequence variants of the fungal internal transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2, covering >20 000 samples contained in 207 original studies.
Figure: Map of locations of samples contained in the GlobalFungi database. Each point
represents one or several samples where fungal community composition was reported using
high-throughput-sequencing methods targeting the ITS1 or ITS2 marker of fungi. The map
was created using the 'leaflet' package that uses an open-source JavaScript library for
mobile-friendly interactive maps (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE). (Vetrovski et al. 2020)
Video: Research and tools
Video: Research and tools to achieve a more productive and sustainable agriculture, combining geophysics-based soil mapping and crop growth modelling.
Featured by Markus Flury, Washington State University, Editor in Chief Vadose Zone Journal; Cosimo Brogi, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and Nimrod Schwartz, The Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem.