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Interactive Webinar - Integrating observation network data into models - CZO/LTER/NEON/ISMC - Weds Nov 8th @ 9 AM MST/5 PM CEST

We invite you to join an interactive discussion on challenges and opportunities for integrating terrestrial observation network data into models. The webinar will begin with a presentation outlining results from a cross-network survey on data-model integration conducted by the International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC)  in collaboration with international LTER and CZO networks. After the presentation, we want to hear from YOU - modelers, empiricists, resource managers, decision makers - what are the frontier issues in this area? We will have an open discussion with ample time for exchange of ideas. Roland Baatz and Kris Van Looy (Forschungszentrum Juelich and ISMC) will lead the discussion, with input from CZO, LTER, and NEON participants. 

Mark your calendars for Weds Nov 8th @ 9 AM MST/5 PM CEST. 

The link to register can be round here:

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