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Weekly job offers June 20, 2018

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Postdoctoral Fellow in soil moisture dynamics at University of Texas, Austin, US

The Bureau of Economic Geology seeks a postdoctoral fellow to (1) conduct numerical simulations related to diffuse groundwater recharge and/or (2) assess drought indices related soil water models calibrated with in situ sensors. The successful candidate will model the impact of soil and climate variability on related processes. 

We are looking for a highly motivated and team-oriented individual who develops and optimizes soil physical models to ground observations of soil moisture and evapotranspiration. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. within the last three years in earth sciences, soil sciences, hydrology, engineering, or a related field. Demonstrated experience unsaturated zone modeling (e.g. Hydrus), complex scripting and parameter optimization (Python or Matlab), applications using digital soil mapping, and a strong record of productivity in research are preferred. 

Established in 1909, the Bureau of Economic Geology in the Jackson School of Geosciences is the oldest and second-largest organized research unit at The University of Texas at Austin. In addition to functioning as the State Geological Survey of Texas, the Bureau conducts research focusing on the intersection of energy, the environment, and the economy, where significant advances are being made tackling tough problems globally. This position is located in Austin, Texas.

Applicants should email a curriculum vitae, a one page narrative summary of research experience and goals, and contact information of two references to Todd Caldwell (

PostDoc in ecohydrology at Virginia Tech, USA

We invite candidates for a postdoc position in ecohydrology as a joint appointment in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, Virginia Tech and the Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota.   
Project Description: The postdoctoral researcher will focus on hydrologic controls and ecosystem response at broad spatial scales in two types of wetland-rich landscapes: 1) forested peatlands in the Upper Great Lakes region and 2) archetypal depressional landscapes dominated by geographically isolated wetlands.  Specific questions will depend on the candidate’s primary skillsets, which should include extensive experiences in process-based hydrologic and ecosystem models, remote sensing and geospatial analyses, and/or data assimilation and analysis. The candidate should have a PhD in a discipline providing expertise in surface and subsurface hydrology, ecosystem processes, and data analysis and programming (R, Matlab, python).
Terms of Employment: The position is open immediately with a minimum of one year duration and will be primarily located at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.     
Contact: Daniel McLaughlin  ( and Robert Slesak (

Post-doctoral researcher (or Ph.D. student), Animating terrestrial ecosystem dynamics at KIT, Germany

How do ecosystem state and function and ecosystem functional diversity interact? What is the role of animals for carbon and nitrogen turnover? Does altering heterotrophic composition in an ecosystem affect carbon-cycle climate feedbacks? We seek a curious post-doctoral researcher to assess these questions, who will:

·couple the dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS to the multi-trophic functional diversity model Madingley;

·apply the model globally and regionally;

·compile and analyse a broad range of suitable observations to assess model performance;

·contribute some amount of time to broader duties, such as project reporting and teaching.

The work is based at the KIT’s department of Atmospheric Environmental Research in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. The candidate must be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge in programming (such as in C++), and must have proven experience in simulations on Linux clusters. A degree in a quantitative environmental sciences discipline, for instance meteorology,  environmental physics, or ecophysiology of plants or animals is required. Knowledge about soil and vegetation processes is a clear advantage. The candidate also needs to be familiar with processing large-scale model input and output. Excellent oral and written skills in English are prerequisite. Given suitable qualifications, the position might also be considered for a Ph.D. student.

Applications should be sent by email to Prof. Almut Arneth (almut.arneth(at) by 9 July 2018, quoting the reference “Madingley”. Please send a copy of your CV including a publication list, a short (1-2 page) letter of motivation and contact details for 2 referees. The motivation letter should clearly provide evidence of your skills, and how you feel you can contribute to the main tasks.

Earth System Modeling Position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is hiring for a research and development staff scientist position, with expertise in the development and application of sophisticated numerical models of the interactions of biogeochemistry, water, and energy in the soil/vegetation system. The position will focus on implementation of new process knowledge in Earth system models, for the purpose of improved climate prediction.

This research staff position provides an excellent opportunity for the candidate to work with world-leading experimentalists, field researchers, and Earth system modelers, to create a next generation of highly resolved land ecosystem process representations in the context of a state-of-the-art coupled Earth system model for improved climate prediction (the U.S. Department of Energy's new Energy Exascale Earth System Model, E3SM). There will be immediate opportunity for engagement with unique field investigations such as the Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment in the Arctic (NGEE Arctic).

Find the position posting online at <>

If you have questions about this staff scientist opening, please contact Dr. Peter Thornton <>.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Hydrological/Agricultural Forecasting at University of Southamptonin, UK

The University of Southampton seeks a hydrologist/hydrological modeller with experience in the above areas for a two year research position. You will be part of a team on a new 3-year project “A new paradigm in precision agriculture: assimilation of ultra-fine resolution data into a crop-yield forecasting model”. The project is focused on the nexus of water and food security and is a collaboration between the University of Southampton and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. You will be working directly with Professor Justin Sheffield and joining other post-docs and PhDs based in Southampton and KAUST.

The project’s goal is to improve the understanding and management of agricultural systems in dryland environments via the development and use of new technologies, assimilation approaches and forecasting methods.

Specifically, the proposal will focus on identifying the critical processes and constraints on dryland farming, how to simulate and understand these, and how to integrate models with advanced observation and management strategies to deliver a transformative decision making framework.

We seek candidates with excellent data analysis and computational skills in hydrology and agricultural forecasting (hydroclimate data analysis, hydrological and crop modelling, hydrological and crop production forecasting, data assimilation, data visualization), to undertake research on characterising and understanding the variability and predictability of water resources and crop production at very high-resolution in dryland environments, focusing on case studies in Saudi Arabia, Zambia and the U.S. You will develop seamless monitoring and forecasting systems with improved predictability and reduced uncertainty via bias correction, data assimilation and model merging, and optimization of management strategies to improve crop production.

You will have a PhD (or equivalent professional qualifications) and experience in Geography, Engineering, Environmental Science, Mathematics or Computing Science or a related discipline. You will also have knowledge and experience of working with large datasets and hydrological/crop models in a Linux/Unix environment, including scientific programming skills in Python, C, Fortran or similar, and using these to address local to regional scale water issues. Previous experience of working on hydrological problems in dryland regions, and a knowledge of water and food security challenges, are both desirable, but not required.

Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

You will work closely with an interdisciplinary team of researchers and students at Southampton and KAUST to develop and carry out research, write research reports and journal papers. There will be opportunities to travel to Saudi Arabia to participate in project meetings and workshops, and potentially for field work in Saudi Arabia, Zambia of the U.S. There will also be opportunities to develop knowledge and professional skills in multi-disciplinary research projects and international development issues.

Further details and informal enquiries can be made to Prof. Justin Sheffield ( <>).

Trainee on soil erosion modelling
The Land Resources Unit of the Sustainable Resources Directorate (SOIL project) is looking for a highly motivated trainee on soil erosion modelling. In particular, the trainee under the supervision of the Traineeship adviser will contribute to the assessment of soil erosion scenarios based on land use change projections. The assessment will contribute to policy relevant indicators such as soil erosion by water.  More opportunities and vacancies in JRC:

PHD opportunity in Hydrology at Duke University, US

The Hydrology Research Group at Duke University is looking for highly motivated PhD students in the field of hydrological processes, data analytics, optimization and modeling. Projects in the research group seek to provide information on the interaction between climate, vegetation, land use, topography and hydro-geology on the spatio-temporal variability of surface and subsurface hydrologic processes. The research group addresses these questions using a combination of experimental, theoretical, numerical and computational methods. 

Applicants interested in the position should have: 

   * BS or MS degree in any branch of Engineering, Geosciences, Applied

     mathematics, Computer science, Statistics or related fields. 

   * Superlative knowledge of at least one programming language, strong

     numerical modeling and/or computing skills, and excellent analytical


   * Ability to articulate research objectives and hypotheses, strong verbal

     and written skills, and ability to work as part of a team. 

Please submit your pre-application package to Dr. Mukesh Kumar ( [1]), that includes a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information of three professional references. Review of applications will begin immediately and the anticipated start date is in Fall, 2018/Spring, 2019. View sampling of research on publications ( [2]) page.

Industrial CASE PhD studentship (with the UK Met Office) in Land
Surface Mathematical Modelling

An Industrial CASE PhD studentship (with the UK Met Office) in Land
Surface Mathematical Modelling is available at the University of
Reading, UK, with funding for UK Students and EU Students from the UK
NERC, on novel physical and numerical methods for simulating water and
heat transfer in land surface models. This project concerns the
implementation and testing of two velocity-based unsaturated zone flow
solution methods and the feasibility of their incorporation into the
Met Office code JULES.

Further Enquiries: Professor Anne Verhoef ( or
Professor Mike Baines (

To apply for this studentship please submit an application for a PhD
in Environmental Science at

PostDoc on Terrestrial Hydrologic Modeling at University of Reading, UK

At the University of Reading, UK, we are looking for a PDRA with expertise in distributed hydrological modelling to join the LANDWISE project team, funded through NERC’s Evaluating the Effectiveness of Natural Flood Management programme.  In particular, we are interested in applications with a strong background in modelling of terrestrial hydrological processes, catchment-scale distributed hydrological modelling and/or land surface processes modelling, in particular in relation to lowland catchments. 


Trainee on soil erosion modelling, JRC, Europe


The Land Resources Unit of the Sustainable Resources Directorate (SOIL project) is looking for a highly motivated trainee on soil erosion modelling. In particular, the trainee under the supervision of the Traineeship adviser will contribute to the assessment of soil erosion scenarios based on land use change projections. The assessment will contribute to policy relevant indicators such as soil erosion by water.  More opportunities and vacancies in JRC:

Postdoc on analysis of the arid soil microbiome, University of Arizona

An exciting interdisciplinary postdoctoral position focused on metagenome analysis of the arid soil microbiome is available in the Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science at the University of Arizona. Specifically, the individual will use metagenome analysis to gain knowledge concerning the unique functional biogeochemical-cycling capacity of the arid soil microbiome and to assess the impact of aridity stress on this functional capacity. We are looking for a postdoc with strong bioinformatics and computer programming skills and an interest in functional gene annotation of soil microbial communities. The individual will couple known variations in the phylogenetic diversity of the soil microbiome associated with different geographic regions to its genetic and functional capacity. Emphasis in this project is placed on below- and above-ground links between the genetic functional capacity of the soil microbiome and plant and ecosystem status.

Post doc in reactive transport, at Stanford, CA

A postdoctoral research position [1] is available at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University in reactive transport modeling of transient biogeochemical processes in variably saturated alluvial aquifers that impact water quality. The scholar will join a vibrant and highly interactive multidisciplinary research team that is integrating observations of water transport, microbiology, and geochemistry to develop models of hydrological-biogeochemical coupling in contaminated alluvium. The post-doctoral project will involve modeling of field and laboratory experiments targeting the role of variable water saturation on microbially driven biogeochemical redox reactions and their impact on uranium, sulfate, and molybdenum transport.

PhD project position at the Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

“The candidate will work within a multi-national research project dealing with the management and modelling of soil water resources. She/he will maintain field sites to monitor soil water status with respect to different agricultural soil management systems. The person will apply and evaluate soil hydrological models with data from Europe and China. The person should be able to develop simple scripts to ease evaluation of large data sets. Extended statistical capabilities or the willingness to acquire them will be necessary. Publication of the data obtained in peer-reviewed journals is assumed. Driving licence B is desired."

Director General for AnaEE, Finland

AnaEE seeks a Director General (DG) for a full-time position. The DG will lead the Central Hub and will oversee the activities of the Service Centres and ensure their activities are coordinated and their interactions with the national platforms effective. Candidates from any country are welcome for this position which will be located near Paris.

4-year PhD opportunity at UNSW, Sydney

We live in a data-rich world, yet the representations of the land surface in climate models were largely conceived in the absence of observations. Comparisons against observations identify model weaknesses; this then fuels a drive towards increased model complexity. How much of this added complexity is warranted? This project aims to build the simplest model of the terrestrial biosphere that the data can support. The project will combine a data-driven approach with the principles of optimality theory. By delivering a simpler, data- and theory-driven model we will unlock new understanding about climate model behaviour to improve predictions of climate extremes. 

 PhD student, the topic of the thesis project is "Modelling of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum in garden-orchard systems, Angers, France

The goal of this Ph.D. thesis project is to study a particular agroforestry system, the garden orchard: this type of system combines fruit and vegetable production, to react to the increasing societal demand for the production of quality fruit and vegetables that are produced locally, sustainably, and with low pesticide levels. Generally, agroforestry systems have shown their agronomic and socioeconomic interest, via indicators like the ‘Land Equivalent Ratio’ (Dupraz and Liagre 2008).

In case of interest, contact Gerhard Buck-Sorlin at AgroCampus Ouest

Assistant Research Scientist position – Metals Biogeochemistry University of Georgia, US

"The University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology invites applications for an academic-year (9-month, 0.75- EFT) position as an Assistant Research Scientist in Biogeochemistry of Metals. The successful applicant will be located at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in Aiken, S.C. and will report to the Director of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. This position will be 0.75 EFT in research and will be expected to seek external funding to support their research program and for summer salary support."

Post Doc in Soil ecology in Adelaide, Australia

This role will involve working on a project investigating the impacts of cover crops on soil ecology in viticultural systems in some of Australia’s iconic wine regions. The appointee will coordinate field trials, and will be responsible for the sampling and analysis of soil and plant samples. The project will include a focus on linking cover crops impacts on vines and soils, including the analysis of NextGen sequencing (soil) data and monitoring of soil moisture and nutrient cycling. The project includes a multidisciplinary team, and will provide the opportunity to provide practical outcomes of interest to industry, as well as lead to high implact publications.

Postdoctoral Research on Natural gas migration and release Colorado State University’s Energy Institute and Colorado School of Mines Dept of Civil and Env. Engineering

The Energy Institute at Colorado State University (CSU) in collaboration with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral research position to work on a project funded by the Department of Energy’s, ARPA-E Methane Observation Networks with Innovative Technology to Obtain Reductions (MONITOR) program (  This program is aimed at developing innovative technologies to cost-effectively and accurately locate and measure methane emissions associated with natural gas production.  The specific project associated with this work focuses on understanding gas migration and release from natural gas pipelines.  The participant will be engaged in field research on methane migration through soil, its interaction with the atmosphere and detection.  Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, Civil, Environmental, Chemical, Mechanical or Petroleum Engineering or related field and have prior experience on gas migration or a related topic. The successful applicant will be joining a dynamic group headed by Dr. Kate Smits from CSM and Dan Zimmerle from CSU.  Interested applicants should send a statement of interest, CV and contact information of two references to Kate Smits at (  Preference will be given to applications received by June 8, 2018.  The position can start as early as June 2018.

Postdoc position available within the Research Program: “Fate of lignin altered by brown rot and white rot fungi" at Lorraine Univ,, France

The University of Lorraine and the INRA of Nancy, France offer a Research Associate position to experimentally explore the relationships between the strategies developed by brown rot and white rot fungi and the persistence of altered wood residues in soil.

PhD and PostDoc on soil chemistry at University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) invites applications for a PhD graduate research assistantship. This assistantship is available in the Applied Soil Chemistry group of Dr. Kaiser. The group mainly focuses on clarifying effects of soil parent material as well as land use and soil management (e.g. organic soil additives, cover crops, grazing, and vegetation change) on soil aggregate formation and organic matter characteristics in topsoils and subsoils. For this, soil samples from laboratory and field experiments as well as from study sites characterized by different types of soil and vegetation cover will be analyzed by fractionation methods as well as by spectroscopic, microscopic and isotopic techniques. One of the long-term goals is the development of sustainable management options that enhance and maintain soil carbon storage while ensuring resource efficient crop production.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Applied Soil Chemistry group of Dr. Kaiser with focus on clarifying effects of soil parent material, as well as land use and soil management (e.g. organic soil additives, cover crops, grazing, and vegetation change) on soil aggregate formation and organic matter characteristics in topsoils and subsoils

PHD opportunity in Hydrology. Article by Mukesh Kumar

The Hydrology Research Group at Duke University is looking for highly motivated PhD students in the field of hydrological processes, data analytics, optimization and modeling. Projects in the research group seek to provide information on the interaction between climate, vegetation, land use, topography and hydro-geology on the spatio-temporal variability of surface and subsurface hydrologic processes. The research group addresses these questions using a combination of experimental, theoretical, numerical and computational methods.

PostDoc on Environmental impacts of land use change at Argonne National Laboratory, USA

The Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory seeks a post-doctoral researcher to study environmental impacts of land use change in a US DOE funded project. The project comprises a multi-disciplinary team including soil scientists, life-cycle analysts, and ecosystem modelers. We seek a scientist who is interested in agroecosystem modeling, excited about field observations, and values interacting with experimentalists and modelers of different disciplines. The successful candidate will study the biomass removal impacts on soil properties and model the total environmental impacts of bioenergy crops (both native and engineered) using field observations and agroecosystem and/or land surface models.

More info here:


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