Weekly Job offers January 15, 2018
Weekly Job Offer postings 15/01/2018
PhD/Postdoc positions
1. The Department for Geodesy and Geoinformatics of HafenCity University in Hamburg is offering a position for a PhD candidate in the context of using GRACE data for hydrology.
The project will be part of the DFG Research Unit "Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and remote sensing information with modeling using a calibration/data assimilation approach" (Global CDA). This temporary position has a duration of (initially) three years, starting as soon as possible. The topic of the PhD project will be the use of GRACE satellite gravity data for improving our under- standing of the global terrestrial water cycle. Together with eight other European research groups from remote sensing/geodesy and hydrological modeling, it will be part of the interdisciplinary DFG re- search unit GlobalCDA (Understanding the global freshwater system by combining geodetic and re- mote sensing information with modelling using a calibration/data assimilation approach). The specific tasks of the PhD student at HCU will be (1) the generation of optimized GRACE data sets including specific uncertainty information to be used for hydrological model calibration and data assimilation and (2) the development of methods for the validation of model results against independent data sets (e.g. groundwater levels, soil moisture data). The project will be co-supervised by Dr. Laurent Longuevergne (University of Rennes, France) and will offer the possibility for temporary research visits in France.
For questions and further information, do not hesitate to contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Eicker (email: annette.eicker@hcu-hamburg.de or phone: +49 (0) 40 42827-5216). Please send your complete application (including CV, cover letter, copies of relevant certificates), not later than February 15, 2018 (preferably by email as one single PDF file) to: bewerbung@vw.hcu-hamburg.de
2. Aberystwyth University is seeking two Postdoctoral Research Fellows
to work on retrieval of environmental variables and land cover and change classifications from remote sensing data, with focus on Wales in the UK but with wider application.
The Closing Date is 22nd January 2018.
The posts provide an exciting opportunity for two enthusiastic and capable
research scientists to contribute to the WEFO Sêr Cymru-funded Living Wales.
Living Wales is an ambitious and exciting project that aims to provide Wales
with capacity for routinely monitoring environmental change at a national
level through integration of earth observation (EO) data and ground-based
measurements, in near real time and historically (since 1985). The approach
developed has been designed such that it can also be used by other countries
to support conservation, restoration and more sustainable utilisation of
their environments.
General jobs link: https://jobs.aber.ac.uk/en/home.html
Direct link Environmental variables:
Direct link Land Cover:
To make an informal enquiry, please contact Dr Peter Bunting at
3. GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP AVAILBLE Sustainable Solutions for Pesticide Management
A Ph.D. assistantship is available starting Summer/Fall 2018 in the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences (SPES) at Virginia Tech. SPES offers ample resources for student research in sustainable agro-ecosystem management, including extensive laboratory and field equipment, opportunities to collaborate with a wide variety of colleagues within and beyond Virginia Tech, and access to a wide variety of natural and managed ecosystems for study. Candidates will: 1) conduct field experiments at plot to landscape scales, 2) evaluate and engineer strategies to mitigate pesticide movement and bioavailability in soils using field- and lab-based methods, and/or 3) predict pesticide fate and transport using numerical modeling approaches. Candidates will engage with collaborators and stakeholders to conduct research and communicate findings. Students will also have the opportunity to interact with the Virginia Tech Global Change Center (http://www.globalchange.vt.edu/) including potential participation in the Interfaces of Global Change (IGC) Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program. An academic record of excellence in environmental science, environmental or civil engineering, or other related field is required, while proficiency in written expression is essential. Experience in field studies and strong quantitative skills are preferred. For more information about this position, please contact: Dr. Ryan Stewart, Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061. E-mail: rds@vt.edu or Phone: (540) 231-0253. To formally apply for this position, go to https://www.applyweb.com/apply/vtechg/index.html
4. Terrestrial Modeling Postdoctoral Scholar
Berkeley Lab’s Climate & Ecosystems Division has an opening for a Terrestrial Modeling Postdoctoral Scholar. The successful candidate will analyze agricultural systems, including soil biogeochemical and plant processes and management. You will be part of a multi-institution and multi-disciplinary project. The project offers an excellent environment for working with a highly skilled interdisciplinary team and will require strong motivation and excellent oral and written communication skills. The successful candidate may focus on several agriculture-relevant processes, including coupled hydrological and biogeochemical dynamics, nutrient and carbon interactions, plant allocation, plant and microbe interactions, and management. We are particularly interested in relating above and belowground plant properties and how those relationships can be used to inform plant breeding. We are also interested in developing methods to evaluate against observations, process-level and emergent model responses, and in developing model benchmarking approaches.
For full description and to apply, please visit: http://m.rfer.us/LBLRbw9G
5. The Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (http://sites.udel.edu/ebl/) at the University of Delaware has openings for three graduate students and two postdoctoral associates.
A short description of research projects and background needed are included below: OPENING FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS i) Source tracking of phosphorus in a watershed. This project aims to identify sources of phosphorus and biogeochemical processes involved in the transfer and transformation of land- driven sources of phosphorus and its recycling in open waters in the estuarine environment. ii) Residual and recalcitrant phosphorus in soil. This project seeks to disentangle biogeochemical reactions in soils that form or consume specific phosphorus pools and distinguish successive generations of legacy sources of recalcitrant and residual P pools. iii) Degradation and source tracking of glyphosate in the environment. This project aims to investigate the fate and degradation of glyphosate in the environment, particularly residence times in soils to generate a precise assessment of the environmental fate of glyphosate and overall impact on soil P cycling. It includes a series of laboratory and field experiments involving identification of product and pathways of degradation. All three projects are method intensive and apply advanced methods including ion chromatography, stable isotopes, and NMR to detect and track sources and forms of phosphorus and to identify biogeochemical reactions in the environment of interest. Thus these positions require a strong background in soil/environmental chemistry, geochemistry, and good instrumental skills. Experience and basic knowledge of stable isotopes and nutrient cycling is a plus advantage.
ii) Development of a nanofertilizer using phosphorus recovered from agricultural wastes This project aims to recover phosphorus from agricultural wastes and develop into a potent fertilizer. The major emphasis of the project is to synthesize a nanofertilizer with variable cation and anion site chemistry and develop a quantitative assessment of structure and surface characteristics along with hydrodynamic properties that are related to P dissolution. This is an instrumentation intensive position. Candidates with extensive experience on the property-tailored synthesis of nanoparticle and characterization techniques such as microscopy (SEM, TEM), spectroscopy (IR, NMR), spectrometry (ICP, IRMS) are required. A recent Ph.D. in soil chemistry, material science, chemistry, engineering or related discipline from an accredited university is required. To apply for a postdoc position, applicants should include i) a cover letter indicating project of interest and describing qualifications that are related to the position sought and research accomplishments, ii) curriculum vitae, iii) contact information for three professional references, iv) two representative publications. A single pdf copy of the application material has to be sent to Deb Jaisi (jaisi@udel.edu). Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. A 12-month salary of $48,000 will be provided to postdoctoral associates. The University of Delaware provides an excellent employee benefits package including health and dental insurance, retirement contributions, pre-tax flexible spending accounts, and complete tuition remission for family members. See http://www1.udel.edu/Benefits/ for complete details of the benefits package.
6. Postdoctoral Research Associate: Biogeochemical Modelling. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Bangor, UK.
CEH Bangor is seeking a Research Associate to work on the development of models that simulate ecosystem responses to environmental change. These include models of atmospheric pollution effects on soil and vegetation used for UK responses under the UN-ECE LRTAP convention, and models of soil carbon dynamics, trace greenhouse gases and land-ocean carbon transfers, applied to a range of global ecosystems. The post-holder will benefit from an extensive training programme, and will undertake project work to develop models and apply these to improve scientific understanding and deliver policy-relevant summary outputs. Applications via the link below. For more information contact Ed Rowe ecro@ceh.ac.uk Phone: +44 1248 374 524.
7. PhD and MS positions: arid-land riparian ecology and tree-ring research at SUNY-ESF
State University of New York seeks three well-qualified PhD and Masters students to join two funded projects investigating drought and its impact on riparian vegetation in the Southwestern USA (Arizona and California). The overall projects combine a range of methods (dendrochronology, forest inventories, stable isotopes, remote sensing, and hydrological modeling) to explore the effects of drought and climate change on riparian woodlands, and to develop water stress indicators to assess forest health at multiple scales. The projects are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and US Department of Defense’s Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), and emphasize the sustainability and management of riparian ecosystems in drought-prone landscapes. Research questions will focus on riparian ecosystem response to drought and methods will include field sampling to inventory riparian forest structure and health, collecting and analyzing tree rings for growth trends and annual water use efficiency using carbon isotopes, and assessing critical thresholds for riparian forest decline.
We welcome applications from motivated, curious students with experience in ecological research. Ideal candidates will have a BS or MS in ecology, environmental science, or a related field; a strong quantitative and statistical background; the ability to work in remote field settings; and interest in riparian forest ecology and tree ecophysiology in dryland regions. Positions start in Fall 2018 and are funded for a minimum of three years for PhD and two years for Masters students, and provides a competitive stipend, tuition and benefits.
Project Inquiries (please contact me before applying):
John Stella, SUNY-ESF; stella@esf.edu
Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry Research
8. PhD positions UK
PhD Project – University of Aberdeen, UK The roots of soil and food security
You will explore the plasticity of rhizosphere formation in response to soil physical conditions, nutrient status and specific plant traits, such as root hairs. You will also investigate the knock-on benefits of rhizosphere formation to the ease of water capture and dispersion/aggregation processes that could enhance nutrient release and tolerance to abiotic stresses.
PhD Project – The James Hutton Institute, Dundee, UK Environmental Engineering Using Seed Mimics to Support Increased Crop Water Use Efficiency
Aim: Develop and test techniques for delivering mucilage via seed mimics into sandy arid environments enabling maximal plant and root growth under reduced water supply.
Please contact Prof Paul Hallett, paul.hallett@abdn.ac.uk for further information on either project.
9. Postdoc hydrodynamic models
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada. The successful applicant will develop a probabilistic framework for flood inundation modelling and risk assessment in a changing climate. The project requires processing and analysis of large datasets including ground-based and satellite observations as well as global and regional climate model simulations, setting up hydrologic and hydrodynamic models with different complexities, and developing/improving state-of-the-art statistical techniques for regional frequency analysis. The ability to take initiative, work independently and mentor graduate students are critical. The qualified candidate should have a PhD degree in engineering, hydrologic science or a field relevant to flooding. Knowledge and experience with hydrologic and hydrodynamic models, ArcGIS and computer programming (such as MATLAB, R and Python) is required. To apply please send a cover letter, CV, contacts for three references, and a proposal summary (describing existing challenges in flood modelling and research plan; 500-1000 words) to mnajafi7@uwo.ca. The appointment will have an expected term of one year, extendable to two years, with an ideal start date of Feb 1, 2018. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.
Mohammad Reza Najafi, PhD
10. POSTDOC position at INRA, System lab, Montpellier, France
Modelling intercrops with the STICS soil-crop model: model adaptation for simulating intercrop management scenarios within the framework of the H2020 European project ReMIX
Starts 1st April 2018, for 24 months
Position short description: We are seeking a young researcher in agronomy/agroecology/ecology and soil-crop modelling who will work on modelling intercrops (species mixtures) using soil-crop models and agronomic analyses to assess the efficacy and the resilience of intercrops versus sole crops under climate change scenarios. It is anticipated that this work will be published in well-ranked international scientific journals.
Person to be contacted: Dr Eric JUSTES (coordinator of the ReMIX project and STICS model) eric.justes@cirad.fr Phone: +33 4 99 61 22 08 CIRAD, UMR SYSTEM, Montpellier (France)
11. Two PhD positions at University Reading, UK
PhD studentship at University of Reading: SCENARIO NERC DTP - Using Sentinel satellite remote sensing data to monitor the state of grasslands across a range of management intensities
PhD studentship at University of Reading: SCENARIO NERC DTP - Developing more robust soil moisture products from SAR imagery
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Geology (earth, energy resources, geobiology) position open at the College of Charleston
The College of Charleston Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences (http://geology.cofc.edu) is accepting applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Geology. The candidate will hold a Ph.D. in Geosciences with research and teaching interests in geology. The department is seeking a field-oriented geoscientist who has a proven record of success teaching introductory geology courses. Viable candidates will show evidence of ability to strengthen our research programs and show strong evidence of creating cross-disciplinary links. Areas of particular interest are earth and energy resources and geobiology. Viable candidates will have expertise using laboratory and field methodologies in teaching and research. Applicants who clearly show a strong aptitude in at least one of the Geology major core areas (mineralogy/petrology, structural geology, paleobiology) will be given preference. The candidate is expected to develop his/her own research program and seek external funds to support their research activities. A Ph.D. is required by 15 August 2018.
The Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences has over 120 undergraduate majors and offers a broad array of topical and interdisciplinary elective courses in the geosciences. The Department also provides some of courses in the multidisciplinary Graduate Program in Environmental Studies and the M.Ed. in Science and Mathematics. Opportunities are available with well-established faculty research programs including: coastal processes, environmental geology, paleobiology, geospatial sciences, hydrology, geochemistry, marine geology, natural hazards, seismology, and tectonics. There is also a vibrant set of collaborative opportunities with organizations in the Charleston-region.
Position open until filled. Projected start for the successful applicant is 15 August 2018. Any questions should be directed to the Department Chair, Dr. Timothy Callahan (843-953-5589), callahant@cofc.edu.
2. Research Fellow in Rhizosphere Biophysics, University of Aberdeen, UK
We seek a Research Fellow to join the BBSRC project “Rhizosphere by design: breeding to select root traits that physically manipulate soil”. This is a collaborative project between the University of Aberdeen, University of Southampton, University of Dundee and the James Hutton Institute exploring root traits that could produce the next generation of crops. An ultimate goal is a rhizosphere formation and function model that integrates root traits and soil properties, with a targeted audience of plant breeders and rhizosphere scientists. Your role as the main experimental scientist on the project will be to make direct measurements of how roots, root hairs and root exudates alter the physical behaviour and structure of soil. Little quantitative understanding of the underlying processes exists, so this project will use advanced approaches from engineering science to disentangle the biophysical mechanisms that drive rhizosphere formation.
Please contact Prof. Paul Hallett, paul.hallett@abdn.ac.uk for further information. The link above gives many more details.
3. Research Scientist in Land Surface Processes at University of Reading, UK
A vacancy at the University of Reading, relating to the PRIMAVERA project.
The post holder will join the University of Reading to work within the EU PRIMAVERA project on Land Surface processes and interactions. The main duty of the post holder will be to configure GCM experiments to exploit new observations of the land surface state and function (in-situ, remote sensing), suitable for use as boundary conditions in simulations with very high mesh refinement (down to 10km in coupled mode and 1km in offline mode).
4. Tenure track or Tenured Full time Position in Soil Sciences
Posted on 16 Oct 2017
Université Catholique de Louvain · Earth and Life Institute
The successful candidate will have teaching assignments in soil science and more generally in environmental and agricultural sciences.
The successful candidate will develop and drive research at the forefront of soil science. He or she will conduct innovative, collaborative and cross-disciplinary research focused on integrated approaches of pedogenetic, biological and geochemical processes that are impacted by natural and anthropogenic changes (e.g. evolution of agricultural practices and/or changes within an (agro)-ecosystem), which ultimately determine the soil quality (e.g. soil fertility) as a key for future sustainable agricultural production.
Expertise in designing and performing field, experimental, laboratory and analytical research is considered an asset.
Starting date : 1st of September, 2018
Further information :
Professor Philippe Baret, dean of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (AGRO-Louvain) – doyen-agro@uclouvain.be
Professor Claude Bragard, research director of the Earth and Life Institute – president-eli@uclouvain.be
6. Assistant Professor of Soil Science – Rhizosphere Processes
School of Environment and Natural Resources, College of Food, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, Ohio
This is a full-time, 9-month, tenure-track position in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) based at the Ohio State University Wooster campus. The faculty member will focus research on the soil-plant-water-animal-human nexus to enhance climate resilience of agroecosystems through adaptation and mitigation strategies that improve resource use efficiency, sustain productivity, restore soil ecosystem services and improve carbon sink capacity.
Candidates will conduct research on soil-plant-microbial interactions to address local, regional and national issues in agricultural and environmental sciences. This position aligns with OSU’s Discovery Themes Initiative (discovery.osu.edu), a significant faculty hiring investment in key thematic areas in which the university can build on its culture of academic collaboration to make a global impact. The successful candidate will join a highly collaborative transdisciplinary team of over 50 existing faculty and many external partners working toward Resilient, Sustainable and Global Food Security for Health as part of the Initiative for Food and AgriCultural Transformation (InFACT) Discovery Theme.
Applicants should email to: SENRhireSoilScience@osu.edu,