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Weekly job offers April 06, 2018

Research Associate (PostDoc) (m/f) in Geo-Bio-Interfaces, GFZ Potsdam, Germany

We are looking for a new colleague to complement the microbe-mineral-interface team in the Interface Geochemistry group led by Liane G. Benning.The holder of this position will work on laboratory-based experiments addressing fungal-mineral interface processes with special focus on assessing rates and mechanisms related to biological weathering.

Your responsibilities:

  • conduct plant-microbe-mineral microcosm experiments to derive biotic, mineral specific weathering rates
  • quantify molecular-scale interface processes with special applications to nutrient uptake and carbon cycling
  • collect, process and interpret complex high-resolution and micro-spectroscopic data from fungal-mineral surface interaction observations
  • integrate experimental, theoretical and modelling results
  • publish in international peer-reviewed journals; present research results at scientific meetings
  • lead and/or considerably contribute to writing proposals for third party funding
  • help co-supervise Masters and PhD students

More infos: here.


Postdoctoral Researcher Environmental Geochemistry, University Vienna, Austria

The laboratory for Environmental Geochemistry at the Department for Environmental Geosciences of the University of Vienna seeks applicants for a 6-year fully funded postdoctoral scholar position. We are looking for a postdoctoral scientist (completion of a Ph.D. is required) who wishes to develop research ideas in collaboration with the group, acquire funding, co-advise a group of PhD students and engage in teaching. Current research interests of the group include (but are not limited to) trace metal pollution in the environment, plant uptake and microbial redox-transformation of inorganic pollutants and nutrients, mineral surface chemistry, biomineralization and weathering. Our goal is to arrive at a process oriented understanding of these interactions on the molecular scale. We employ numerical models to achieve a quantitative understanding of the thermodynamics and kinetics of such processes: We have excellent laboratory infrastructure including trace metal analytics, plant and microbial cultivation, a clean room laboratory and a metal stable isotope lab as well as labs for experimental work on environmental chemistry and biogeochemistry.

More infos: here.

Research Associate (PostDoc) in Cryo-Microbiology (m/f), GFZ Potsdam, Germany

We are looking for a new colleague to complement our microbiological and microbe-mineral-interface team in the “Interface Geochemistry” group led by Liane G. Benning.

The holder of this position will primarily address microbiological / biochemical processes in cold settings via experimental approaches but also with the possibility of field work in Polar environments.

Your responsibilities:

  • conduct original research on microbial processes that control carbon / nutrient cycling in cold terrestrial environments with focus on microbial processes
  • characterize and quantify laboratory (and some field) based cryophile algae-mineral-fluid interface reactions with special applications to stress adaptation of biomolecules in snow and ice microbes
  • design and perform stress and adaptation / response experiments with cryophile algae
  • assess genomic and biochemical changes using ‘omics’, imaging and / or spectroscopic approaches
  • publish in international peer-reviewed journals; present research results at scientific meetings
  • lead and/or considerably contribute to writing proposals for third party funding opportunities
  • help co-supervise Masters and PhD student

More infos: here.


Postdoc Subject area land surface modeling and data assimilation, FZ Jülich, Germany

The position is associated with the research unit FOR2131, which has recently been funded by the German Science Foundation. This research unit sets out to

  • Design and install a data assimilation framework for catchment-scale terrestrial systems encompassing all compartments from the groundwater to the atmosphere including soil, vegetation, and river networks
  • Performing model simulations at a very high spatial resolution in order to analyze the role of land surface heterogeneities on hydrological and atmospheric processes
  • You will independently develop methods for the assimilation of land surface information like land surface temperature, soil moisture and leaf area index
  • Test the methods on a unique virtual catchment and real data from TERENO-catchments
  • Evaluate the value of these data types for improving flood and weather predictions, together with various other German project partners
  • Possibility to work in an interdisciplinary team and with state of the art supercomputer facilities

More infos: here.


Faculty position (Asst./Asociate Professor) in soil and water management / water technology specialization

The College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences at SQU, the national University of the Sultanate of Oman, provides a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programs, research and extension activities. All instruction is in English and an earned PhD is a minimum requirement for academic appointments. The University is located near the capital area and close to excellent international schools and unique natural recreational areas. Apart from an attractive tax-free base salary, SQU offers free furnished accommodation, university sponsored medical care, including a hospital and family clinic on campus, excellent recreational facilities on campus, end of service gratuity, subsidized schooling for up to two children, 60 days annual leave with return air tickets and rolling two/ three-year contracts. General information about the University and the College is available on the university’s Homepage, The College has vacancies for academic staff in the following department effective from Fall semester in 2018.


The Department of Soils, Water and Agricultural Engineering is seeking candidates to undertake undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research in the broad area of Soil and Water management, Water Technology specialization. The expertise of the candidates should be primarily in Soil and Water Management. Experience is essential in Agricultural Water Management, Hydrology, Irrigation Design, and Integrated Water Resources Management.  Candidates are expected to have a strong research background in order to augment a fast growing postgraduate program and develop cooperative research programs with faculty in the department, related departments of the College and SQU, local and international universities and various government and private entities in Oman including the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources.


Further information at:


PhD/Postdoc positions at the University of Rennes, France, invites applications for a postdoc position on tracer experiments and monitoring for mixing and reactive transport processes in hydrological systems.

The Objective of the project is to design and perform tracer test experiments in instrumented observatories to address currently open questions about mixing and reactive transport processes in hydrological systems, including rivers, hyporheic zones and subsurface environments.

Géosciences Rennes Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers de Rennes


Postdoc for Coordination of Simulation Laboratory Terrestrial Systems, FZ Jülich

Your Job: • Coordination of and active participation in HPSC service and support, as well as research and development activities of SimLab TerrSys • Close collaboration with HPSC TerrSys, JSC, and other SimLabs in the Computational Science Division and with JSC's cross-sectional groups (e.g., Performance Analysis, Application Optimization, Visualization) • Facilitation of fluent communication between all HPSC activities and the research scientists involved in Geoverbund ABC/J; research in overlapping areas between HPSC and geosciences.

Participation in ongoing work, e.g. near real-time, fully coupled, ultrahigh-resolution forecasts, climate change simulations up to continental scales, as well as research on water cycle processes, land- atmosphere coupling, and groundwater hydrodynamics, as part of national and international projects and collaborations • Setup, development, and extension of new and existing parallel scientific software tools, parameterizations, or processing chains, with a focus on two-way coupled high-resolution subsurface- land surface-atmospheric simulation platforms such as Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform (; HPSC aspects include efficient, hybrid parallelizations, utilization of accelerators, scientific visualization, and future exascale applications • Contribution to solutions for the big data challenges in geosciences, as well as the application and advancement of data assimilation techniques and data synthesis approaches; handling of a broad range of in situ and remotely-sensed measurements • Testing and use of the latest (JSC) HPSC systems (including heterogeneous architectures) for a wide range of usage scenarios and numerical experiments, including porting, profiling, and tuning; development of standard implementations, optimum use cases; code maintenance; developments towards petascale applications.

Main place of employment will be JSC on the campus of Forschungszentrum Jülich with a vibrant, international, and interdisciplinary working environment that is ideally situated between the cities of Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Aachen

We look forward to receiving your application, preferably via our online recruitment system on our career site, until 01.03.2018, quoting the reference number 2018-023. If you have any questions regarding technical issues, please contact the scientific director of HPSC TerrSys, Prof. Stefan Kollet ( For queries concerning the general application process, please contact the coordinator of Geoverbund ABC/J, Dr. Daniel Felten (


Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistantship Dept. of Soil Science, North Dakota State University


The Department of Soil Science, North Dakota State University, is seeking a highly motivated and skilled PhD graduate research assistant (GRA) to lead field research on cover crops and tillage practices to enhance soil water management in the northern Great Plains.   Project description The northern Great Plains (North and South Dakota) has experienced a wet climate cycle for the last 30 years. The most common practice for managing excess soil water in annual cropping systems is with frequent chisel plowing to facilitate soil warming and drying prior to spring planting. Many annual crop producers have only experienced farming during this period and are accustomed to managing cold, wet soils. However, future climate variability may cause producers to shift from managing excess water to conserving water during drought. No-tillage and the use of cover crops are current alternatives to frequent tillage, which are increasing in popularity among regional farmers, especially for improving soil health. We currently lack data- supported knowledge on how different tillage and cover cropping practices influence water budgets, soil health, and farm economics across different soils, crop rotations, and climate scenarios. The objectives of this project are to (1) Establish full-production scale demonstration sites to allow a side-by-side comparison of tillage and cover cropping practices available for managing soil water and improving soil health; (2) Quantify water budgets (precipitation, soil water storage, evapotranspiration, drainage, runoff) under different tillage and cover cropping treatments, as they relate to cash crop water use, drought/water stress, and yield; (3) Assess soil health condition in response to different tillage and cover cropping treatments, especially with regard to biological activity, infiltration, water holding capacity, and crop productivity; (4) Develop economic models that incorporate the value of water availability to cash crop production along with the expenses associated with different tillage and cover cropping practices, to evaluate the profitability of a set of practices under variable precipitation and water use conditions; and (5) Distribute information about feasible water management options under variable weather conditions to farmers, agronomists, educators, and scientists through field days at the demonstration sites, circular media, videos, and presentations. 

Send a letter of interest, copy of academic transcripts, and CV to: Aaron L.M. Daigh Assistant Professor of Soil Physics Department of Soil Science North Dakota State University


Postdoctoral position in the field of soil science at the Technical University of Munich.

The postdoctoral scientist will join a team of international scientists at the Chair of Soil Science.

A centre of excellence, TUM is Germany’s top university (QS and Shanghai rankings) and among the top universities world-wide. The position is part of the Circular Agronomics project funded within the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union for a fixed-term of 4 years. The earliest starting date is May 1st, 2018. The position is full-time (100%) and the salary is in accordance with the German TV-L E13 (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder).  The postdoc will be located with the group of Prof. Kögel-Knabner at Freising-Weihenstephan, near Munich, Bavaria, in southern Germany.


The selected candidate will develop models to predict C and nutrient distribution in soils using hyperspectral imaging. Additionally, she/he will sample and analyse soils under novel organic amendments from across Europe, and calculate nutrient budgets and changes in C cycling due to these amendments. The candidate will be highly motivated, team-oriented and willing to work in a larger group of scientists.

The deadline to submit applications is March 15, 2018. Please address applications to Dr. Eleanor Hobley (  A full description of the position can be found at


6. Postdoctoral Researcher Opportunity to investigate how water table fluctuations influence the transport of redox-sensitive solutes in shallow aquifers.

The postdoctoral scientist will have the opportunity to develop field and controlled laboratory experiments involving real-time monitoring of dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and iron and manganese concentrations (through voltammetry). The postdoctoral scientist will join my computational hydrogeology lab at The Ohio State University and will participate in an established network of scientists working in the DOE-funded East River Watershed SFA and NSF-supported Critical Zone Observatories. The position requires a Ph.D. with expertise in aqueous geochemistry, biogeochemistry, or groundwater hydrology. The position is for 1.5 years with flexible start date (ideally between August 2018 and January 2019). To learn more, please contact me (Audrey Sawyer) at .Please be sure to attach a c.v.


Postdoctoral position on greenhouse gas emissions modeling for California dairy farms

Postdoc position available on a multi-campus project funded by the University of California Office of the President Lab Fees program. The postdoc will be jointly advised by Professor Whendee Silver at UC Berkeley and Professor Francesca Hopkins at UC Riverside, with an option for the individual to be based at either campus (Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management in Berkeley, CA, or Dept. of Environmental Sciences in Riverside, CA). We are looking for a highly motivated, independent researcher with experience in biogeochemical process modeling to model methane and N2O emissions from manure management on California dairy farms.

The postdoc will use observations along with process-based models (e.g., Manure DNDC, DayCent) to examine predicted outcomes of management changes, and scale emissions up to the region. A major goal of the project is to compare different measurement techniques; hence, he/she will compare these process-model results with regional observations to determine the best strategies for future emissions monitoring.

Applications or informal inquiries can be sent to Dr. Francesca Hopkins at


8. PhD assistantship in Belowground Carbon Allocation at the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M University.

Allocation of resources and growth of different organs is central to ecosystem response and acclimation to environmental conditions and stresses. Recent findings suggest greater and more dynamic changes in the allocation patterns than recognized in most ecosystem models, which could affect their ability to capture interannual differences in productivity. A PhD assistantship is available to collect validation data and apply a newly developed data-based carbon allocation model across a land use gradient in Texas, and across forest ecosystems globally. The ideal candidate should have at least a few of the following skills: solid understanding of ecosystem carbon cycle or plant ecophysiology, carbon flux measurements, soil carbon dynamics, experience working with large datasets, and experience with a computer scripting language. As periodic fieldwork at distant locations is required, the successful candidate must have or promptly obtain a valid US driver’s license and be willing to travel for up to three weeks at a time.
Review of applications is ongoing and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. The position can start either in the summer or fall semester of 2018, ideally as soon as possible. To apply, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of academic transcripts, names and contact information of three references, and GRE and TOEFL scores (for international applicants) by e-mail to Dr. Asko Noormets ( The departmental graduate student acceptance criteria and procedures are outlined at


Soil Scientist for modelling of soil functions at UFZ in Halle, Germany

This position is part of the „BonaRes - Centre for Soil Research“ (see with a focus on the development of integrative model tools to evaluate land use options and agricultural soil management in terms of their sustainability. Provided the final approval of the project, the position should be filled as soon as possible and is limited until June 2021 with prospects of an additional period of 3 years.

Further details:


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