Vacancies Mar. 2019
Post-doc opportunity at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Hydrogeology Group / Energy and Environment Research Initiative.
The Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of British Columbia invites applications for a Post-doctoral Fellow in the field of contaminant hydrogeology or geochemistry to join our Energy and Environment Research initiative ( The principal tasks are to support research into the environmental effects of shale-gas development in British Columbia; with particular focus on fugitive natural gas including migration processes. The successful candidate will be expected to prepare and publish peer-reviewed papers and reports for funders, pursue research in the lab and field, help support graduate students, organize field work, and liaise with local community groups, First Nations, industry and provincial agencies. There is an opportunity to contribute to other projects in the UBC hydrogeology group.
Postdoc in soil modeling with degree in Natural Sciences / Engineering Sciences / Applied Mathematics
This postdoc position is part of the DFG funded priority program (PP) “rhizosphere spatiotemporal organization – a key to rhizosphere function ”. Tasks involve the development of mathematical models describing rhizosphere processes from the single root to the root system scale, the implementation of these models in the simulation environments CRootBox and DUNE/DuMuX, as well as the use of data from within the PP for model calibration and validation.
2 Research Forester in US
The Research Forester will be a member of Weyerhaeuser's Southern Timberlands Technology (STT) Team that develops and implements new technology for growing Southern pine plantations. The STT Team is responsible for research planning, coordination of activities with area foresters, managing plot installation and measurement, data handling and analysis and developing operating guidelines for the business.
In addition to a broad range of silviculture topics, the ideal candidate will have specialized knowledge of or experience in forest soils. Of particular interest are expertise in: soil classification, management, protection and responsiveness, as well as the ability to translate this knowledge into actionable management guidance.
PhD scholarships in Denmark
Soil carbon stocks and stock change in Danish forests
High altitude methane oxidation, field measurements and modelling,
Moving beyond the myths about the drivers of agricultural land abandonment (using remote sensing)
Lecturer in Environmental Earth Science at Saint Louis, MO
The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for a 9-month lectureship for the 2019-2020 academic year. The selected applicant will support the department's undergraduate programs. Duties will include teaching two existing courses on Soil Science (Fall 2019) and Biogeochemistry (Spring 2020) plus two additional courses selected in consultation with the department, and additional duties such as assistance with labs or field trips. For information on the department's curriculum, analytical facilities, and research activities, see This is a one-year, non-tenure track academic position, eligibility for University benefits is commensurate with workload assignment.. Total anticipated pay for the two semesters is $38,976 to $41,826.
3x Postdocs in Water Sustainability, Kansas and Michigan, USA
Three postdoc positions focused on integrated land surface-groundwater models in agroecosystems.
Position 1: Groundwater Sustainability Pathways for the High Plains Aquifer (based at University of Kansas/Kansas Geological Survey)
Position 2: Food, Energy, and Water in the Amazon and Mekong River Basins (based at Michigan State University)
Position 3: Water, Agriculture, and Nutrients in the Great Lakes Basin and California Central Valley (based at Michigan State University)
Please see link for full description of each position and application instructions.
For full consideration, submit your application by April 15, but review of applications will continue until suitable candidates are found.
Postdoc Opportunity in Ecosystem Biogeochemistry
"We are writing to let you know about a new NSF-funded RCN project, INCyTE<>. The objective of this 5-year project is to improve representation of nutrient cycling processes in earth system models. We will kick of the project this summer with the steering committee and core participants meeting in Missoula, MT, but there will be lots of other opportunities for broader participation down the road. We hope you will consider joining the network<> and participating, and please encourage your colleagues, students, and postdocs to do the same!
We are also now recruiting a project postdoc<> to work on the RCN. Please circulate this information broadly through your networks, and if you know of anyone specifically who might be interested and a good fit for the position, please encourage them to apply!"
Here is the link to the postdoc ad:
PhD SOC dynamics (Karls Universität Prag)
PhD N cycling in restored pastures (Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
PhD Soil aggregation and organic carbon allocation in the Rhizosphere (Freising)
PhD at BOKU, Austria
Within this framework, the focus of this PhD position lies on investigating the growth performance and PS release of different barley (Hordeum vulgare) lines under different experimental conditions and nutrient regimes. Experimental work will include traditional hydroponic systems, innovative soil based approaches as well as LC-MS based PS analysis. Joint experiments with other project partners (including soil microbiologists, plant geneticists, organic and analytical chemists) will provide the opportunity to be part of an interdisciplinary team with the potential to establish highly visible and internationally competitive research. The Institute of Soil Research, Tulln is well connected to public transportation and is fully equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation required for plant and soil analysis providing an excellent working environment.
PhD in Soil Science at SLU, Sweden
Soil structure and water management in agricultural soils in a changing climate (Ref SLU ua 2019.2.5.1-864) (
PhD position in Soil Science at SLU, Sweden
Agricultural Water Management: Water management in agricultural landscapes facing changing climate (Ref SLU ua 2019.2.5.1-865)
3 positions at Zalf, Germany
PostDoc: Tools for economic optimization of a digitized management of agricultural
PostDoc/PhD: Development and application of a bioeconomic landscape model
Research Assistant: Assessment of legumes in cropping systems
PostDoc and lecturer on Hydrology at TU Munich, Germany
PostDoc Research Fellow in multi-scale mathematical modelling in UK
We are looking to recruit a mathematician to develop new multiscale mathematical models to better understand plant-soil interactions based on physical first principles. You will be joining an interdisciplinary team of 6 engineering, biological, chemical and mathematical researchers with an excellent publication record and funding from ERC, BBSRC and EPSRC. The head of the group has an excellent record in supporting Post-Doctoral Researchers in obtaining personal early career fellowships from the Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, EPSRC, Leverhulme Trust, Royal Commission 1851 etc.
PostDoc / PhD on Micronutrients at BOKU Vienna
We are seeking a motivated PhD student to work in the EU-funded project “PhytoTrace - Wanted: Micronutrients! Phytosiderophore-mediated acquisition strategies in grass crops” (ERC Starting Grant 801954). Understanding micronutrient (Zn, Cu, Fe) deficiency induced plant responses and related rhizosphere processes is crucial to improve crop yield and micronutrient grain content for high quality food and feed. Phytosiderophores (PS are root exudates released by grass species (Poaceae) for the solubilisation of Fe and are implicated to improve Zn and Cu acquisition, particularly under deficient conditions. Moving beyond the traditional segregation of “soil-free” and soil-focused research, the aim of this project is uncover the interplay of PS release, plant genetic responses and rhizosphere processes under natural growth conditions.
Research Associate STEM Critical Zone Science and Education Outreach, Geography/Geology
The Department of Geography/Geology in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Teacher Education in the College of Education at the University of Nebraska – Omaha invite applications for a STEM Research Associate in Critical Zone science and education outreach at UNO’s Glacier Creek Preserve to begin March, 2019. A Ph.D. in a geoscience discipline and proven expertise is required (ABD applicants are acceptable) and previous work in STEM education is desirable. This position is focused on soil and solute geochemistry research at Glacier Creek Preserve and supports an interdisciplinary STEM education program at UNO that involves multiple Colleges. The successful candidate will coordinate an expanded STEM education program, with a focus on the use of Glacier Creek Preserve as an instructional and research venue, and provide support for the development and delivery of innovative STEM education in undergraduate and graduate coursework, as well as assessment on teaching and learning in this context. This position will have an office in Durham Science Center, including access to lab space. The position is 75% research and 25% percent teaching. Teaching duties include: teaching 1 – 2 undergraduate or graduate courses annually (via online or hybrid courses), ideally targeted at pre-service or in-service teachers in science, and/or graduate coursework, at the discretion of cognizant Science Department Chairperson and/or other activities within the candidate’s expertise that fulfill components of the UNO STEM Phase II Strategic Plan. Opportunities for coordinating the development of STEM undergraduate and graduate courses, educational projects, curriculum activities, and instructional modules that can take full advantage of the natural context of Glacier Creek Preserve are available. It is fully expected that the candidate will be productive in writing—inclusive of manuscripts and grant proposals. This position is a one-year contract with the potential for multi-year(s) renewal upon successful completion of year one.
Postdoctoral Fellow at Tulane University, New Orleans, USA
The primary role of the Postdoc Fellow is to build components in the Landlab modeling toolkit and use Landlab to understand the coupling among weathering, hillslope erosion, and fluvial erosion. Numerical modeling will be theoretical and used to understand the evolution of the Rio Blanco watershed in the Luquillo critical zone observatory in Puerto Rico. The position is based at Tulane University, in New Orleans, LA, USA, but the Postdoc Fellow will work with a team of researchers and is required to spend time at the field site and at a collaborating university. Salary is provided from an NSF funded grant, and the position is offered initially for one year with possible extension for a second year given adequate progress. For any questions, interested candidates can contact Dr. Gasparini directly at 504 – 862-3192 (office phone), e-mail:
Assistant Research Professor (Water Consortium Director)
Penn State’s Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE) seeks to hire an entrepreneurial leader to serve as the inaugural Director for the Penn State Water Faculty Consortium. The Consortium is a faculty led initiative to develop a vibrant University water research, outreach, extension and education community, and foster the success of faculty working on water topics. As an ex officio member of the faculty-elected Water Council, the Director will operationalize strategies developed through the Water Council for engaging faculty working in water science, policy research, education or outreach throughout the University system. The Director will assist in identifying priority areas of focus and, in collaboration with College administration, help facilitate and organize searches for co-funded tenure line faculty positions. The Director will enable and facilitate the development of inter-disciplinary and convergent research teams of investigators internal and external to Penn State, including identifying emerging topic areas and funding opportunities, and programming meetings and seminars of relevant faculty. The Director will help manage the progress of a Water Council committee developing an inter-disciplinary graduate degree program in water. Work with Penn State’s existing outreach and water outreach efforts to identify gaps and needs and coordinate existing resources or request new resources to meet these needs as appropriate. Qualifications for this job include excellent communications skills, an advanced degree in a field related to water, and ideally 6 or more years of experience working on water-related topics. The degree could include an MS, Ph.D., MBA, JD or other related degree. The successful candidate will demonstrate commitment to and ability to successfully advocate for diversity and the values of inclusion. This position is offered for a three-year fixed term, subject to renewal. This position will report to the IEE Director. Applications should submit a statement of interest, CV and names of three references. Review of applications will begin April 10, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled, with the expectation that this position would start in the spring of 2019.
Postdoctoral Scientist Position in Terrestrial Biosphere Modeling and Data Assimilation at Indiana University-Bloomington
A postdoctoral scientist position is available in Dr Natasha MacBean?s group in the Department of Geography at Indiana University (IU) Bloomington. Research in the MacBean Lab focuses on understanding the response of the carbon cycle and terrestrial ecosystems to climate and environmental change (more information is available here: The postdoctoral researcher would use data assimilation methods to constrain global carbon cycle sink projections and modeled carbon-climate feedbacks. The exact scope of the work will be dependent upon the postdoc?s research experience and interests. Multiple opportunities exist for collaborations across IU faculty working on environmental change issues. This position is offered for 2 years from summer 2019.
Asst. Prof Soil Biogeochemistry and Ecological Sustainability. University of Missouri
The successful candidate will develop an exciting and high-impact, nationally/internationally recognized, externally-funded research program that complements institutional strengths in soil biogeochemistry and ecological sustainability. This position will allow MU to better occupy a place among a select group of universities that boast a truly integrated and multidisciplinary approach to teaching, research, and actionable scholarship in the fields of sustainable agriculture and environmental quality. The position will strengthen growing education programs, collaborate with other established MU research centers to garner major grants, form innovative new partnerships with private and public partners, and contribute greatly toward improving grant and publication metrics considered in the Association of American Universities’ (AAU) rankings. Teaching may include undergraduate courses in introduction to environmental science, soil biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, and pollutant fate and transport in collaboration with the College of Engineering. This position will complement and collaborate with faculty in: the School of Natural Resources; the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) (e.g., Plant Sciences, Biochemistry); College of Engineering (Bioengineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering) and other colleges and departments across the MU campus (e.g., Biology, Geology, Veterinary Pathology). Collaborative efforts will also be developed with the MU Soil Health Assessment Center, the CAFNR Center for Watershed Management and Water Quality, MU Water Center, MU Metagenomics Center, MU Center for Agroforestry, the Interdisciplinary Plant Group (IPG) and with federal scientists employed by the USDA-Agricultural Research Service’s Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit and U.S. Forest Service Unit housed on the MU campus. link
Post Doc on Desiment transport
Managing watershed processes and their associated sediment dynamics is an exceedingly complex problem. Fine sediment transport occurs at a range of timescales, from storm events to millions of years. In addition, the governing sediment transport processes and dominant sources can vary among watersheds, through time, and by event magnitude. Both erosion of particles and their subsequent storage is highly variable spatially, which has consequences for both sediment sources and residence times. Particles can be stored within the channel bed, point bars, in-channel deposits, and the floodplain. Critical questions remain. What are the most significant sources and processes for managing sediment? And what are the critical spatial and temporal scales relevant for a diverse group of stakeholders? Although we still lack the data and modeling tools to provide definitive answers to these questions, progress has been made in conceptualizing this multi-faceted problem and in methods we can apply (sediment budgets, fingerprinting, geochronology).
Prof. and Chair at Uni MD, USA
The Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture includes expertise in agronomy, crop science, agroecology, urban ecology, conservation biology, and landscape architecture with an overall goal to secure equitable food, water and energy resources for all people. Faculty are involved in solving some of the most pressing challenges impacting Maryland and beyond, including resilience of crop production and natural ecosystems to climate change, crop improvement, nitrogen utilization, small grain and horticultural food crop safety, food security, plant pathogen interactions, and development and physiology of plants. PSLA offers academic programs in Plant Biology, Landscape Architecture, Agronomy, Environmental Horticulture, Turf science, Urban Forestry and Agricultural Education. The department is also home to a robust graduate program in Plant Sciences and the Masters of Landscape Architecture. The department has a total state budget of nearly $4.5M and over $2.2M in annual extramural funding. The department is located centrally on campus in the Plant Sciences Building and in the University of Maryland Research Greenhouse Complex that houses the core of the University of Maryland Research Plant Growth Facilities. The department also participates statewide in Extension programming. The campus location inside the capital beltway offers unique opportunities to collaborate with federal agencies and laboratories including USDA, NASA-Goddard, NIH, NSF, FDA, EPA, NPS, and APHIS. Additional details of the department’s personnel, programs and facilities can be found at:
15 PhD positions in the EU Horizon 2020 Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Project: MSCA-ITN-TERRANOVA
Would you like to become part of a new generation of landscape managers? Would you like to be employed and trained as a PhD researcher and to work, with a prestigious European fellowship, in an international and multidisciplinary team of researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of landscape history and management? Then, the TERRANOVA partners would like to hear from you Apply for the position of PhD in one of our 15 research and training projects in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands. You should apply via
Phd position in Sweden, Hydrological extremes and wetland restoration
Restoration of drained wetlands to more pristine conditions is considered as one of the most important strategies to avoid catastrophic effects of extreme weather. This includes avoiding both flooding during large precipitation events and streams from drying out during droughts. However, the science underpinning this strategy is largely missing. To overcome this lack of scientific arguments and to close the gap between science and management, we will utilize a unique collection of hydrological field observations and modelling to address the question whether restored wetlands are more effective in mitigating both flooding events and low flow conditions than leaving historically drained wetlands as they are.
PhD position on drought risk and its management at the University of East Anglia (UK)
This PhD project will investigate the frequency and intensity of severe and extreme droughts in the UK, in particular in the East of England. This will include the analysis of historical events and of state-of-the-art climate model projections. These will be used to drive hydrological and water resources models to test the resilience of Anglian Water resources systems, support the development of adaptation strategies and eventually increase resilience to droughts. The research will also involve using new hydrological modelling approaches (relying on modular frameworks) to quantitatively assess future drought risks.
3 Assistant Professors in Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment (Cluster Hire)
The Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada ( is seeking outstanding candidates for three full-time, tenure-track positions in Plant or Soil Science, as part of the Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment group , the Applied Biology program and the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm . The anticipated start date is January 1, 2020.
Ecohydrohydrological modeller in Berlin
The post is a (senior) scientist position and follows the IGBs strategic commitment to enhance capability in the critical area of ecohydrological modelling within Department 1 (Ecohydrology). We seek a dynamic, motivated and ambitious scientist to join an existing interdisciplinary science and modelling team to support the evolution and growth of coupled hydrological-ecohydrological modelling at IGB. This expansion of the Department builds on a long history of internationally recognised research excellence in ecohydrology. It is expected that the modelling will utilise outstanding long-term data sets from instrumented research sites operated by IGB. Access to high-performance computer clusters is available to facilitate use and development of “state of the art” research models. The successful candidate will play a lead role in the application and development of advanced ecohydrological models and will be expected to contribute to the growth of this dynamic area at IGB.
PhD offer with LHyGeS at the Université de Strasbourg, France
The present PhD project aims to clarify the elementary reactions that control the reactivity of mineral surfaces in order to result in a more realistic mechanistic model of the dissolution of silicates. The innovative nature of this project is based on the unique and unprecedented combination of state-of-the-art expertise in submicron mineral surface characterization and isotopic fractionation measurements available at LHyGeS. In addition, this thesis will contribute in collaboration with CEMHTI (Orléans) to the methodological development of nuclear magnetic resonance-dynamic nuclear polarization (NMR-DNP), in order to study the evolution of the local chemical environment of silicon at the fluid-mineral interface during dissolution, thus establishing a link between atomic organization and macroscopic dissolution kinetics.
Post-Doc position (3yr) in ecohydrology at the University of Innsbruck
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to work on the project “ClimGrassHydro - Ecohydrology of mountain grassland under global change: mechanisms and consequences”, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences. ClimGrassHydro makes use of a unique experimental field facility consisting of 54 independent grassland plots to simulate the individual and combined effects of climate warming, severe drought and elevated CO2 on grassland ecohydrology ( The PostDoc will integrate state-of-the-art lysimetry, chamber-based and soil water and membrane-tube-based measurements with isotopic approaches to experimentally test for individual and combined global change effects on major ecohydrological processes.
Research Associate in Digital Agriculture in Australia
Research position focused on Digital Agriculture
Two Full-time positions, 3.5 Years Fixed-Term, Narrabri Campus
Academic Level A Base Salary: $73,420 p.a. - $92,682 p.a. plus leave loading and a generous employer’s contribution to superannuation.
PhD Position Soil Science (m/f) at Munich, Germany
Project: ‘Self differentiation of soil aggregation and organic carbon allocation induced by plant and microbial activity in the rhizosphere’
Application deadline: 31th of March
The earliest starting date is 01st of May 2019.
Salary is TV-L E13 (65%) according to the German TV-L system.
It's a fixed-term contract limited to three years.
Postdoctoral Scientist (m/f) at UFZ Leipzig, Germany
Anticipated starting date - as early as possible in 2019, can be discussed. Working time: 100% (39 hours per week), limited to three years
Department: Isotope Biogeochemistry
PostDoc Groundwater Sustainability Pathways for the High Plains Aquifer at Kansas Uni, USA
Seeking a postdoctoral scholar with a passion for groundwater sustainability and a penchant for thinking big to help envision a sustainable future for the High Plains Aquifer. The successful candidate will lead integrated land surface-groundwater modelling efforts to evaluate agricultural practices for the past and future of the High Plains Aquifer at multiple spatial and temporal scales. The postdoc will be based at the Kansas Geological Survey (University of Kansas) and have the opportunity to collaborate widely within multi-institution NSF INFEWS and USDA NIFA projects to produce high-impact research.
PostDoc Food, Energy, and Water in the Amazon and Mekong River Basins at MSU, USA
Seeking a postdoctoral scholar ready to take on large-scale modeling challenges in data-limited regions. The Amazon and Mekong River Basins are undergoing rapid hydrologic, climatic, and land use changes, affecting two of the world’s most important hydrologic systems and the people and ecosystems dependent upon them. The postdoc will lead integrated surface- and groundwater-modelling efforts at both watershed and regional basin scales to better understand these vital systems, and how they are affected directly by dams and indirectly via land use and climate changes. The successful candidate will interact with two large, interdisciplinary project teams including multiple US institutions as well as international collaborators.
PostDoc Water, Agriculture, and Nutrients in the Great Lakes Basin and California Central Valley at MSU, USA
Seeking a postdoctoral scholar eager to quantify the role of agricultural practices in water and nutrient cycling in diverse agricultural landscapes spanning the US and Canadian Great Lakes Basin, as well as California’s Central Valley. The postdoc will lead efforts to develop integrated surface- and groundwater-models for these two regions, and to integrate new capabilities into those models. In particular we are looking to add explicit nutrient cycling and transport, informed by existing nutrient surface application and statistical transport models. We are working in those regions with a variety of collaborators in disciplines including remote sensing, ecology, agronomy, sociology, and economics to better understand the role that agriculture plays in water resources.