Vacancies 24th Apr. 2019
Full-time academic position in the field of Environmental risks analysis in Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
The profile is concerned with the assessment of the impact of human activities (land use, silvicultural and agricultural practices, use of fertilizers and phytosanitary products, agricultural recycling of exogenous organic matter, etc.) on environmental quality (water, soil, air, ecosystems) and human health. There are many agri-environmental issues related to anthropogenic pollution (contamination of the food chain by excess of pesticides, nitrate, trace metals, organic pollutants, microplastics, soil degradation by acidification, salinization, eutrophication of surface waters, air pollution, disruption of major biogeochemical cycles, alteration of biodiversity and ecosystems, etc.) and these issues concern very contrasting spatial patterns. In addition, the physical, chemical and biological processes involved are variable in time and space.
More specifically, the recruited person should aim to (I) quantify the risks related to contaminant transfers in the water-ground-plant continuum in agricultural environments and (II) identify the levers of agronomic action for sustainable land use. His or her research activities will specifically focus on (I) improving knowledge about the relationships (causal and feedback) between practices and processes at different spatial scale levels (plot, landscape, region, etc.) and (II) integrating some uncertainties about this knowledge into methodologies of spatialized risk assessment which can beadapted to complex environments.
Crop rotations PhD studentship available
All details at
PhD Studentship – Designing Crop Rotations that are Fit for the Future
This studentship provides an exciting opportunity to develop our understanding of the factors that influence crop productivity in different kinds of agricultural systems. Crop rotations have been at the centre of agricultural systems throughout history. In modern agriculture, the main purpose of rotating crops is to reduce the incidence of diseases, pests or weeds that are difficult to control with pesticides. It is only by utilising long-term data sets that we can understand how the interactions between climate change and soil and crop management influence crop yield and quality.
This project will integrate findings from long-term cropping systems trials between the partners (SRUC and NIAB), with field and farm data. Combining datasets from long-term experiments (>10,000 crop years), established on different sites and at different times, allows us to test new hypotheses that were not the original focus of the work. This project will develop new ways of amalgamating data and observations from controlled plot trials, farmer surveys and on-farm monitoring. By applying new statistical approaches to integrate findings from long-term experiments, we will be able to design new, sustainable cropping systems for the future.
This student will be supervised by a team of staff from SRUC, NIAB and the University of Aberdeen.
Applicants should have a BSc or MSc in the biological/environmental sciences or statistics.
Research scientist / Post-Doc in remote sensing and ecosystem analysis at Research Center Jülich, Germany
The Project “Digital Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (DAKIS)” contributes to the vision for spatially and functionally diversified agricultural systems of the future with the aim to accommodate different, and potentially conflicting, environmental and socio-economic objectives. IBG-3 uses remote sensing methods (from Copernicus, CubeSats, drones) to analyse agricultural cropping systems, variables such as Leaf Area Index and biomass, as well as soil-ecosystem services and their spatio-temporal patterns. With DAKIS, the effects of agricultural management on the environment will become readily visible and approaches for the reward for ecosystem services and biodiversity will be enabled.
PostDoc in Soil Microbiology at Wageningen University, the Netherlands
A post-doctoral researcher in soil microbiology as part of the new NWO-TTW Open Mind project Skin Care for Mother Earth. The project focuses on restoring the health of soils that have suffered from desertification using, among other things, appropriate soil microbes. Your work will focus on the proof of principle that microbes influence soil physical properties and improve soil wettability, water infiltration capacity and soil water retention. Your main tasks will be threefold: (1) find promising soil microbiological communities; (2) determine how microbiology affects soil physical properties; (3) investigate how indigenous microbiology and organic materials can be used to restore degraded topsoil in desertified areas. Your work will result in a peer-reviewed paper and provide input for further research proposals.
According to the UN, desertification ranks among the greatest environmental challenges of our time. One third of all land is currently threatened by desertification and more fertile soil is lost every year. Desertification affects areas at all latitudes, on all continents, in at least 110 countries. It is estimated that 50 million people may be displaced in the next decade due to desertification. Solutions that truly restore fertile topsoil, the Earth’s living skin, in a short amount of time are urgently needed. One of the limitations to current approaches to soil restoration is the lack of life in the soil. The Skin Care for Mother Earth project is based on the view that soil microbiology may be the missing link to bringing the soil back to life. Soil microbes enable the colonization of land by plants, and throughout evolution microbes developed a wide array of functions in soils. Skin Care for Mother Earth therefore aims to investigate 1) how microbiology can be used to improve soil hydrological properties and 2) how indigenous microbiology and organic materials can be used to restore degraded topsoil in desertified areas. The project will be carried out at the Soil Physics and Land Management Group and Soil Biology Group of Wageningen University by Dr. Martine van der Ploeg (Project leader) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Gerlinde De Deyn of the Soil Biology Group.
More info here:
PhD in Remote sensing at Research Center Jülich, Germany
The BMBF funded OrganoRice project aims to support the production of organically produced rice in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Therefore, an interdisciplinary team analyses the current state of the economic, social, and environmental conditions, monitors changes during the transition from conventional to organic rice production and will provide recommendation for future planning.
Your Job: The successful candidate will analyze the current land use in the Mekong Delta by utilizing data obtained by the Copernicus program, in particular the Sentinel-1 SAR system. This includes also the estimation of biomass and growing stages of rice. As the general water movement from field to field is an important planning information to exclude routes for contaminants affecting the organic rice production, general flow pathways will be determined by remote sensing. An ensemble-based spatial land use optimization will identify scenarios about organic farming extension opportunities.
Associate Professorship (W2) Pedogenetic Modeling
The professorship will strengthen the PhenoRob cluster of excellence (, especially at the interface of soil and crop modeling. This professorship will develop and implement soil models that link physical, chemical, and biological soil processes in order to better describe soil formation processes and soil fertility changes at different spatial and temporal scales. This could also include modeling approaches used for microbial ecology and biogeochemistry.
The place of employment will be the Agrosphere Institute (IBG-3) at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH where the professorship will contribute to the research area ‘Sustainable Bio-economy’.
International visibility in one or more of the above mentioned research topics is desired, and the acquisition of third party funding and the co-ordination of research projects is expected.
The professorship represents the above-mentioned field in research and university-level teaching.
According to the ‘Jülicher Modell’, the delegation to the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH will be associated with a teaching load of 2 hours per week and semester at the University of Bonn.
The conditions of employment are according to §36 Hochschulgesetz NRW.
The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a family-friendly university and has a dual career service. It aims to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to particularly facilitate their careers. Therefore, the University of Bonn strongly encourages applications from qualified women. Applications will be handled in accordance with the State Equality Act (“Landesgleichstellungsgesetz”). Applications from qualified individuals with a certified severe disability and from those of equal status are particularly welcome.
Applications in German or English language including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates, list of publications, teaching experience, extramural funding, and research statement should be sent electronically as a single pdf to the Dean of the Agricultural Faculty, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 174, 53115 Bonn, E-Mail: no later than June 15th, 2019.
Soil Scientist in Alaska, US
PhD position in Evapotranspiration processes and estimation in northern environments
available at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
The fellowship period is up to 4 years, with 3 years devoted to research education. Deadline 24 April 2019.
The position entails a compulsory work load of 25% that consists of teaching and supervision duties, and research assistance. Starting date no later than 01.10.2019
The PhD project aims to derive improved evapotranspiration estimates for northern environments closing critical knowledge gaps, and will revisit paradigms and parameterisation schemes for estimating ET suitable for high latitude regions, separately accounting for interception and transpiration. It will further assess the sensitivity in ET estimates to climate and surface conditions using land surface and hydrological models as well as targeted experiments. Model platforms used within the group include, but are not limited to, the land surface model CLM, and the hydrological model Shyft; models that are used to develop and test parameterizations for a variety of processes. The candidate will interact with model developers within LATICE and contribute to model testing and improvements with a special focus on the parametrization of evapotranspiration.
The successful candidate will work in the LATICE (“Land-ATmosphere Interactions in Cold Environments”) research group with scientists with expertise within various disciplines related to observing, analyzing and parameterization of the land surface. The PhD candidate will be part of a motivated research team with a high number of early career scientists working together in a highly interdisciplinary environment. For more information, see
Soil Science Assistant Teaching Professor at PSU, US
The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University invites applications for an Assistant Teaching Professor of Soil Science. This is a non-tenure track, faculty position on a 48-week academic year appointment with 100% teaching responsibilities in a fixed-term multi-year (3 year) contract with the opportunity and expectation for continued renewal. We seek a colleague interested in a career of innovative instruction across classroom, laboratory, and field settings. Teaching responsibilities will include introductory soil science course (resident education and online) and labs and may include general education courses for non-science majors, upper level courses for environmental science majors, or other courses of interest to the candidate. The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management houses the soil science program within a broader interdisciplinary unit. We seek a long-term colleague to contribute to continuing excellence in soil science that builds on existing strengths in soil physics, biogeochemistry, microbiology, and pedology applied across forest, turfgrass, and agricultural ecosystems. The successful candidate is expected to interact with our scientifically diverse faculty as well as research and teaching scholars throughout the University. We seek applicants who explore novel active learning approaches and with a commitment to hands-on lab and field experiences for students. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in soil science or a related discipline and a strong record of teaching scholarship including demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching. The successful candidate must have completed all degree requirements by the appointment date. Communication, creative leadership, congeniality, and the ability to work cooperatively among a diverse population of students, faculty, staff, industry and agency groups is essential in our department and University. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, committed to providing employment opportunities to minorities, women, veterans, disabled individuals, and other protected groups. Penn State encourages applications from members of these groups. Penn State is responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. All Penn State faculty are expected to comply with relevant policies, maintain high ethical standards, and participate in professional service and/or outreach. Central Pennsylvania offers thriving communities with a reasonable cost of living, excellent schools and health care systems and numerous recreational, arts and entertainment opportunities. The area offers beautiful mountains, streams and parks, as well as superb sports and recreational opportunities. State College and the surrounding communities are home to approximately 100,000 people, including over 45,000 students. Interested individuals are invited to apply at For further information, contact Dr. Jason Kaye (; 814-863-1614). Application materials requested are: cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, a statement which addresses past experiences and plans for developing a diverse, inclusive, and equitable teaching program, up to three examples of innovative teaching scholarship (e.g., active learning materials, videos, online content, reprints of refereed teaching journal articles, etc.), transcripts of undergraduate and graduate degrees, and names and contact information for three references. Applications will be reviewed beginning May 1, 2019, and the search will continue until the position is filled but interviews are anticipated in early June. Desired start date is October 2019 with teaching beginning in January 2020.
Soil Science Teaching at Kirksville, MO, US
Position: The Department of Agricultural Science at Truman State University is seeking applicants for one non-tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor or Instructor level, depending on the candidate’s qualifications. This is a full-time appointment on a nine-month contract, beginning August 2019 and renewable annually, dependent on performance, departmental need, and funding.
Responsibilities: Teaching undergraduate courses in Soil and Plant Science. This includes a required Soil Science class for Agricultural Science majors; elective courses in soil conservation, plant nutrition, and horticulture for students from Agricultural Science and related majors; and a general Agricultural Science course for non-Agriculture majors. Depending on interest and expertise, the person hired will have an opportunity to teach courses in Environmental Science and/or to develop additional courses in a related area of expertise. Other responsibilities will include advising as well as service to the University and Community.
Required Qualifications: Position requires a Master’s degree (for appointment at the Instructor level) or a Ph.D. (completed by the start date, for Assistant Professor rank) in Soil Science, Horticulture, Agronomy, Weed Science, or a closely related field.
Scientific Project at Bergen, Norway
There is a vacancy for a permanent position as scientific project
manager at the Geophysical Institute of the University of Bergen,
Norway. The position is associated with the project EU H2020 COMFORT. 75
% of the position will be financed through this project for the first 48
months. The rest of the position is connected to an internal project to
strengthen research administrative processes linked to contract follow-up.
The main task for this position is to become the Project Manager for the
COMFORT project “Our common future ocean in the Earth system –
quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for
determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping
points,” which is a central European research project aiming to provide
added value to decision and policy makers in terms of science-based safe
marine operating spaces, refined climate mitigation targets, and
feasible long-term mitigation pathways. The project has 32 partners from
Europe, Africa, Canada, and India.
Any applications must be made through the following link, where also
more details can be found:
Closure date for applications: 07.05.2019
Software Engineer/Programmer II/III Position
This position is in the Visualization and Analysis Systems Technologies (VAST) Section in the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL). VAST is responsible for the creation of Open Development software tools for data analysis in support of the atmosphere and other earth system science communities. The end-user tools developed by VAST are used world-wide by scientists conducting research in topics such as climate change, severe weather, space weather, and air quality to name a few.
In close collaboration with a small team of VAST software engineers, this SE will assist with the development of the next generation of NCAR-supported earth science analysis tools. This Open Source effort is comprised of a collection of Python functions that provide scalable analysis, visualization, and post-processing capabilities for earth system science data arising from both numerical simulations and instrument observations. The toolkit is built around several cornerstone Open Development technologies, including: Dask, NumPy, and Xarray. It is an outgrowth of the widely used earth system science problem solving environment, the NCAR Command Language (NCL)
To apply :
Ass. Prof. Soil Science at Truman State University
The Department of Agricultural Science at Truman State University is seeking applicants for one non-tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor or Instructor level, depending on the candidate’s qualifications. This is a full-time appointment on a nine-month contract, beginning August 2019 and renewable annually, dependent on performance, departmental need, and funding.
Responsibilities: Teaching undergraduate courses in Soil and Plant Science. This includes a required Soil Science class for Agricultural Science majors; elective courses in soil conservation, plant nutrition, and horticulture for students from Agricultural Science and related majors; and a general Agricultural Science course for non-Agriculture majors. Depending on interest and expertise, the person hired will have an opportunity to teach courses in Environmental Science and/or to develop additional courses in a related area of expertise. Other responsibilities will include advising as well as service to the University and Community.
Required Qualifications: Position requires a Master’s degree (for appointment at the Instructor level) or a Ph.D. (completed by the start date, for Assistant Professor rank) in Soil Science, Horticulture, Agronomy, Weed Science, or a closely related field.
Questions about this position may be directed to Michael Seipel, Agriculture Department Chair,
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Terrestrial Biogeochemistry
Location: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Overview:The Computational Earth Sciences Group (CESG) and the Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI; at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) are seeking a qualified postdoctoral candidate in the field of computational terrestrial biogeochemistry.
ORNL’s CESG conducts world-class research and development in Earth system modeling, model–data integration, large scale data analytics and machine learning, and model benchmarking at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Leadership Class Computing Facilities (LCFs).
Major Duties/Responsibilities:
* Conduct regional and global Earth system model (ESM) simulations, focusing on terrestrial hydrology and biogeochemistry, and diagnose and benchmark multi-model performance by confronting models with best-available observational data.
* Collaborate with a diverse team of Earth system and computational scientists, both within the CESG and across DOE Labs and partner universities, to develop and distribute open source benchmarking tools aimed at quantifying land model fidelity and simulation uncertainty.
* Analyze model simulation results to understand vegetation and soil carbon dynamics, hydrological processes, land–atmosphere interactions, ecosystem responses to global change, and use of isotopes and biogeochemical tracers in the environment.
* Work with the research community to design and develop model evaluation metrics and to synthesize benchmark datasets for model evaluation.
* Explore Earth system feedbacks associated with the terrestrial carbon cycle; emissions of VOCs, methane, and dust; dynamics of DOC, nutrients, and sediment in riverine systems and their transport to coastal zones; and impacts of land use and land cover change on the Earth system. Publish research in peer-reviewed journals and present results at national and international conferences.
Technical Questions:
For more information, contact Forrest M. Hoffman <>.
See the full announcement and apply for the position at
Postdoc remote sensing of ecophysiological traits from Unmanned Aerial Systems, Denmark
"Hyperspectral and thermal remote sensing of ecophysiological traits from Unmanned Aerial Systems”
Deadline for applying May 20th, 2019
Deadline for starting the job: June 3th 2019
To apply
4 PostDoc at UC Louvain
Monitoring crop nitrogen content and estimating crop production by satellite remote sensing (36 months position and 5 months part-time position)
A post-doc fellowship in agriculture remote sensing exploiting the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series (12 months)
Development of bi-static Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing applications for agriculture (32 months fellowship)
Assistant(e) en géomatique
PhD Position at Ghent University, Belgium
Meteorological droughts are prolonged periods of precipitation shortage that lead to agricultural loss, tree mortality, air pollution and water scarcity. There is a perception that droughts are becoming unusually frequent and severe. This exacerbation and proliferation counts amongst the most serious impacts of future climate change on society. Yet, the understanding of how droughts start and evolve remains limited. Persistent atmospheric circulation anomalies seem a necessary ingredient, but positive land feedbacks have been suggested as being critical for their evolution: as soil and vegetation dry out and evaporation from land declines, the air becomes even drier, thus the likelihood of rainfall further decreases. Moreover, this does not only affect the local likelihood of rainfall, but also the likelihood of rainfall downwind. We hypothesize that droughts may self-intensify and self-propagate via land feedbacks. A better understanding of these processes could improve forecasts, climate projections and societal adaptation.
PhD position for modeling European land use emissions at Munich, Germany
The chair for Geography and Land Use Systems carries out fundamental and applied research on the human impact on climate via land use. It investigates land surface-atmosphere interactions from regional to global scale regarding both biophysical (energy, water) and carbon cycle effects. While the group tries to foster our understanding of the role of global land use and, more broadly, vegetation dynamics for the historical climate system, a special focus lies on land use as a tool to mitigate future climate change.
The successful applicant will work on the Horizon 2020 project VERIFY (Verifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions). The aim is to develop a data-rich model of land use emissions on European scale. To this end an existing bookkeeping model (BLUE) will be extended to high resolution and novel observation-based datasets of land use change and carbon dynamics.
Beyond this project, the candidate will have considerable latitude in defining their own research questions within the area of the global carbon cycle.
The candidate will become a member of a dynamic team of researchers with ample opportunity for networking with the international modeling and observational communities. The team is strongly involved in large international projects such as the Global Carbon Project and the
IPCC/CMIP6 coupled climate carbon cycle/land use model intercomparison projects (C4MIP, LUMIP). The Department of Geography offers in-house expertise on local laboratory studies and remote sensing. Wide opportunities for collaboration exist with research institutions in the greater Munich area.
Applicants for the PhD position should have a master degree in a natural or physical science subject (physics, meteorology, physical geography, ecology or similar); strong quantitative skills; experience in programming (such as bash, python); and excellent communication skills in English.
The position is offered for three years starting July 2019 or later.
Your work place will be located in central Munich and is easy to reach by public transport or bike. Payment will be in accordance with TV-L E13, 65%. We encourage female candidates to apply. Handicapped persons with comparable qualifications receive preferential status.
Please send an application outlining your fit for the position (including an informative cover letter, a curriculum vitae, copies of scientific degrees including grades, and the names and contact information of two references) by April 14, 2019, preferably by e-mail (one PDF-attachment with max. 5MB only including all documents) to
<> or by mail to Carmen Gassner, Lehrstuhl für Geographie und Landnutzungssysteme, Department für Geographie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Luisenstr. 37,
80333 München. For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Julia Pongratz ( <>).
Research scientist - ACCESS Earth System Modeller at CSIRO, Melbourne, AU
The Opportunity: Do you have an interest in key science questions around climate-carbon feedbacks?
Work on a program that will assist the Australian government to meet its commitments to limit global warming
Join CSIRO's dynamic Oceans and Atmosphere business unit
The Research scientist will undertake 'hands-on' modelling work including contributing to ACCESS-ESM development, and developing strong external collaborations. You will also be raising the team's profile through high-impact publications designing experiments, running the model, analysing simulations and presenting results.
Your duties will include:Identify key science questions around climate-carbon feedbacks and land-based climate mitigation policies and use the ACCESS-ESM model to address these questions; develop strong expertise in those areas in earth system modelling.
Further develop the land surface model (CABLE) in ACCESS-ESM including implementing new model components as required.
Publish key results in peer-reviewed literature.
Assistant Professor of Geology (Tenure-Track) Minnesota State University, Mankato
Assistant Tenure-track position in Geology with emphasis on physical and/or chemical aspects of
soils, starting August 2019. The successful applicant will typically teach twelve contact hours
per semester in the Geology B.S. program in the Department of Chemistry and Geology, advise
undergraduate majors, develop an undergraduate research program, and pursue external funding.
Minimum requirements: Doctorate in geoscience or a closely related field, with graduate
coursework in geology (all requirements for the doctorate must be completed by August 1,
2019); a successful research record focused on soils as evidenced by extramural funding,
publication in peer-reviewed journals, and/or postdoctoral experience; demonstrated experience
teaching geology; and demonstrated effective written, oral communication and/or presentation
skills. For complete notice of vacancy and application procedures, please visit (position AA20062). Review of applications
will begin April 4 and continue until the position is filled.
Associate Dean and Director Agricultural Experiment Station
The Associate Dean and Director, working with the Dean and Chief Administrative Officer, administers the research programs of the College. Major responsibilities include the planning, coordination, budgeting, and monitoring of college research resources. The successful candidate will provide vision, energy, enthusiasm, and innovative dynamic leadership to the Agricultural Experiment Station and is expected to be an advocate for the college, its students, faculty and staff at the university, state, and national levels. The position interacts with citizen advisory groups affiliated with Agricultural Science Centers geographically located throughout the state. The successful candidate must have a terminal degree and be tenured or tenurable at the rank of professor in a discipline represented within the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES). The University is committed to building a cultural diverse educational environment.
For complete job description, qualifications and application process visit:
Natalie P. Goldberg, Interim Assoc. Dean/Director, AES, Search Chair:; 575-646-3125
Postdoctoral Researcher Position on Artificial Intelligence to predict water-related disease outbreaks at London, UK
The Hydrology Group at Imperial College London is looking for a Research Associate to explore the use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms to find a link between hydrometeorological extremes and disease outbreaks in Malaysia, and to build forecasting models. The position is part of a collaborative research project between Imperial College London and Universiti Putra Malaysia, funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.
More information can be found here:
PostDoc in hydrology and biogeochemistry of ponds: pesticide transfers at CNRS, France
This postdoc position is proposed within the framework of the ANR Project PESTIPOND « Role of ponds in the transfer and impact of pesticides in surface waters of the critical zone in agricultural environment ».
PESTIPOND is a focused 48-month innovative collaborative research project associating 4 partners from 4 research units in France, and 15 socio-economic partners. The innovative concept of the agricultural pond-centered PESTIPOND workflow is to constrain in situ processes of pesticide transformation in pond compartments to feed into an integrative modelling framework of risk and spatial predictions of pesticide transfer at the catchment scale, including the cumulative role of inter-connected ponds. PESTIPOND will target factors and processes controlling the pond capacities to degrade mixtures of pesticides, far beyond their primary role of delaying pesticide transfer or transforming parent molecules into transformation products. PESTIPOND is organized in 3 well-defined, interconnected experimental tasks: (T1) Biogeochemistry of pesticide behavior under field conditions (determination of pond characteristics (lifespan, efficiency, processes, fluxes), and response to hydro-climatic conditions in different agricultural contexts); (T2) Pesticide dissipation pathways in ponds: in situ and in labo experiments (evaluation and prediction of the distribution, persistence and degradation characteristics of pesticides at the water-sediment-organisms interface of ponds in laboratory microcosms and in situ mesocosms); (T3) Modelling assessment of the impact of ponds on pesticide transfer to surface waters (simulation of pesticide dissipation at the pond scale and of cumulative effects of ponds to generate pond management scenarios at catchment scale).
Postdoctoral Scientist Position at Indiana University-Bloomington (USA)
Extensive prior experience working with global scale terrestrial biosphere models or equivalent (land surface models, earth system models, dynamic vegetation models) is essential.
A postdoctoral scientist position is available in Dr Natasha MacBean’s group in the Department of Geography at Indiana University (IU) Bloomington. Research in the MacBean Lab focuses on understanding the response of the carbon cycle and terrestrial ecosystems to climate and environmental change (more information is available here: <>). The postdoctoral researcher would use data assimilation methods to constrain global carbon cycle sink projections and modeled carbon-climate feedbacks. The exact scope of the work will be dependent upon the postdoc’s research experience and interests. Multiple opportunities exist for collaborations across IU faculty working on environmental change issues.
This position is offered for 2 years from summer 2019.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Coupled Earth System Modeling
The Earth Research Institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara (<>), is seeking a postdoctoral scientist to contribute to a DOE-funded project focusing on understanding the mechanisms for tropical and extratropical Pacific decadal variability in present and future climates.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to define their own original sub-project aligned with the project goals, in collaboration with investigators at UC Santa Barbara, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The candidate will also have primary responsibility for generating, and the first opportunity to analyze, a new ‘Large Ensemble’ of future climate projections with the new DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). This ensemble will be released to the public upon completion of the project and form a vital new community resource. The position will be located at the Bren School at UC Santa Barbara, but will involve collaborative visits to LANL to facilitate work with E3SM, as well as in-person and remote interactions with the other team leads.
PostDoc in Computational and Hydro-ecological Modeling at LANL, US
Postdoctoral fellowship to model perturbations in hydro-ecological systems driven by shifts in snow, climate, and vegetation at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The Computational Earth Science Group in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory has an immediate opening for a creative and resourceful postdoc candidate with substantial knowledge of hydrology models, particularly in conjunction with understanding of changing snow and streamflow impacts, extreme events, and perturbations affecting land surfaces, such as vegetation disturbances, vegetation stress and forest mortality. The project involves a combination of computer modeling and simulation, integrating observations, including remotely sensed data, and high-performance computing. The candidate will work as part of a research team conducting work in watersheds across the US, including Alaska. Successful applicants will have hydrologic modeling and analytical science expertise in one (or
more) of three core areas of the project.
2 funded PhD/Postdoc opportunites on landscape dynamics (Rennes, France)
We are seeking applicants for two funded PhD positions to begin in septembre 2019 in Rennes (France). Application at the postdoc level is possible. The students/post-docs will contribute to a newly funded 5-years ERC (European Research Council) project aiming at understanding the role of extreme events on landscape dynamics.
Two subjects:
1) The first subject aims at better understanding the mechanics of landslide triggering and reactivation and to better monitor landslide 3D geometry. This project will involve numerical modelling, remote sensing with Lidar and SFM data and some field work [Advisors: Philippe Steer (Univ. Rennes), Dimitri Lague (CNRS / Rennes) and Harsha Bhat (CNRS / ENS Paris)].
2) The second subject aims at better understanding the relationships between bedrock fracturing, grain-size distribution and erosion efficiency. This project will involve remote sensing with Lidar and SFM data, numerical and/or experimental modelling and some field work [Advisors: Philippe Steer (Univ. Rennes) and Dimitri Lague (CNRS / Rennes)].
Candidates: Candidates are expected to be trained in Earth Sciences and/or in (Geo)physics with preferably a solid background in Geomorphology, Rock Mechanics, Numerical Modelling and Remote Sensing. Ability to work in an international environment, to communicate and to write scientific papers are expected. Although prior knowledge of French is not mandatory, spoken and written English proficiency is needed. Candidates will be part of an international and dynamic group of early career scientisits in a team including geomorphologists, hydro(-geo)logists, geophysicists and geochemists working on surface and subsurface processes.
How to apply? Please contact me ( if you are interested or if you want more details about these projects.
Faculty Assistant Non-Point Source Policy Analyst at UMD, US
DESCRIPTION: The Department of Environmental Science and Technology at the University of Maryland seeks candidates for Faculty Assistant, Non-Point Source Policy Analyst. The location for this position will be at the Chesapeake Bay Program Office in Annapolis, MD.
POSITION SUMMARY: The Non-Point Source Policy Analyst will lead the Chesapeake Bay Program Office’s efforts to analyze technical data, programs and policies in an effort to provide tangible recommendations to the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partnership with the goal of expanding and improving non-point source nutrient and sediment reduction efforts across the watershed.
Assistant Teaching Professor of Soil Science - Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University
This is a non-tenure track, faculty position on a 48-week academic year appointment with 100% teaching responsibilities in a fixed-term multi-year (3 year) contract with the opportunity and expectation for continued renewal. We seek a colleague interested in a career of innovative instruction across classroom, laboratory, and field settings. Teaching responsibilities will include introductory soil science course (resident education and online) and labs and may include general education courses for non-science majors, upper level courses for environmental science majors, or other courses of interest to the candidate. The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management houses the soil science program within a broader interdisciplinary unit. We seek a long-term colleague to contribute to continuing excellence in soil science that builds on existing strengths in soil physics, biogeochemistry, microbiology, and pedology applied across forest, turfgrass, and agricultural ecosystems. The successful candidate is expected to interact with our scientifically diverse faculty as well as research and teaching scholars throughout the University. We seek applicants who explore novel active learning approaches and with a commitment to hands-on lab and field experiences for students. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in soil science or a related discipline and a strong record of teaching scholarship including demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching. The successful candidate must have completed all degree requirements by the appointment date.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (Assistant / Associate Professor) in Global Hydrology and Water Security at Aberdeen
On behalf of Professor Chris Soulsby, University of Aberdeen, Scotland UK, please note the exciting position in Hydrology:
The University of Aberdeen seeks to strengthen its contribution to the research evidence base needed to achieve this by appointing a highly motivated, research-focused Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Global Hydrology and Water Security.
This position will primarily enhance existing research excellence in the School of Geosciences through high profile publications and impactful research resourced from externally-funded projects. The aim is to build on existing expertise in the School through large scale hydrological observation and modelling approaches with an explicit link to water security issues. This is aligned with the University’s institutional commitment to directing its research profile towards interdisciplinary challenge-orientated research. Consequently, the successful candidate is likely to have, or rapidly develop, strong international orientation to their research. This broad remit would apply at both Lecturer and Senior Lecturer levels, though the expected levels of experience and achievement would be greater for the latter.
The successful candidate will have an outstanding emerging or existing research profile in global hydrology and water security with a commitment to publication in leading international scientific and water resource journals. You will have a PhD in hydrology or a related area of water resource science/engineering. You will have a commitment to developing this through challenge-orientated research projects in collaboration with other staff in the Northern Rivers Institute and elsewhere in the University. Your research will have strong applied orientation to understanding and solving water security problems at larger regional or international scales. You will be committed to delivering impactful research that is publicised through outreach activities. You will be a team player able to lead and participate in larger, complex interdisciplinary research projects.
For appointment made at Lecturer level, salary will be at the appropriate point on the Grade 7 salary scale (£40,792 - £48,676 per annum). For appointment made at Senior Lecturer level, salary will be at the appropriate point on the Grade 8 salary scale (£51,360 - £58,089 per annum) and negotiable with placement according to qualifications and experience.
For further information on various staff benefits and policies please visit
Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in Uses of Byproducts from Agricultural Waste Streams at USDA
A research opportunity is available with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Research Center located in Florence, South Carolina.
The mentor for this opportunity, Dr. Novak, is a Soil Scientist at the center and has a research program geared to develop beneficial uses of byproducts from agricultural waste streams. Animal manures and waste effluents represents some of these waste streams. At the laboratory, thermal carbonization processes have been developed to produce biochars from various feedstocks. Our research has shown that biochars can be used as amendments in agricultural soils for soil health improvement and in mine waste reclamation for improved phytostability. Additionally, our research has shown that biochars can be activated using chemical methods to enhance their phosphorus (P) binding potentials. Thus, these activated biochars have potential uses as amendments to sequester P and as a sorbent phase to bind P in waste streams (manure effluent or storm water runoff). Under the guidance of a mentor, the selected candidate will conduct research in a professional environment to collect poultry litter feedstocks, create/develop/refine methods to chemically activate biochars, characterize their P binding potential and ability to sequester P in soils/waste streams. The participant will use a battery of tests to characterize the surface chemistry of biochars including advanced spectroscopic instrumentation to elucidate P binding mechanisms. Additionally, the participant is expected to interpret scientific results, compose manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed scientific journals, and make presentations at scientific meetings.
PhD position in Soil Science, Biogeochemistry and Agroecology at Uni LaSalle, France
“Unravelling the role of phosphorus (P) forms on the efficacy of renewable P sources to improve P availability”
The main objective of this PhD project is to optimize the use of renewable P fertilizers through a better understanding of the impact of P forms on P availability in contrasted soil-plant systems (Figure 2). The first step of this PhD project will be to identify the soil constituents and properties which are involved in the sorption/desorption of P applied under different forms. The knowledge of these parameters will be of help to predict the availability of P as a function of the form which is applied and to better model the behavior of P according to the soil properties.
The second step will be to validate the results of the sorption/desorption experiments by analyzing the P uptake by plants in response to the application of various P forms. Since most of the renewable P fertilizers differ also in terms of nitrogen (N) concentration and organic carbon (C) composition (e.g. cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) which can in turn impact physico-chemical and biological soil properties, the third step will be to evaluate the effect of these compounds on the P uptake. The final step will consist to evaluate the genericity of our data by
testing the effect of “real” amendments (struvite, sludge, biochar …) with contrasted P forms on P mobility and uptake by plants. In this step, plants with different P mobilization/acquisition traits will be tested alone (single-species treatment) or in combination (multi-species treatment).
We hypothesize that the overall uptake of P will be higher in multi-species than in single-species treatments and, more importantly, the addition of a mixture of inorganic and organic P forms will result in higher P use efficiency by multi-species treatment than the addition of only one P form.
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