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Vacancies 18 May 2021

Vacancies in soil science and related fields. Use ISMC Vacancies as reference.


Postdoctoral Researcher,  land surface and soil biology modelling in Paris or in Amsterdam

The land-surface modeling group at the IPSL (”Institut Pierre et Simon Laplace”,
is looking for a post-doctoral researcher interested in land surface modeling and soil biology.
The position is available for a fixed-term period of 24 months with the possibility of 2 one-year
extensions pending on the results.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the research we are seeking highly motivated individuals
with a degree (Master or PhD) in for example mathematics, physics, engineering, computer
science, meteorology, theoretical ecology or soil biology. A broad interest in natural sciences
and more specifically in quantitative terrestrial ecology is essential. Rather than requiring any
particular training, we are looking for candidates motivated by science with the ability to
develop code (particularly Fortran 90) and to integrate scientific knowledge into numerical
schemes. Priority will be given to individuals who have published peer-reviewed papers but it is
not a strict requirement.

Required content of the application:
There are no specific application forms. Applications and inquiries should be sent to:
Bertrand Guenet (
Sebastiaan Luyssaert (
Jorge Curiel Yuste (
Kim Naudts (

Applications should include (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) statement of motivation including a short
description (1⁄2 page no more than 1 page) of a recent scientific question you answered and (3)
names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least two references. The position
is available from May 1st and will remain open until filled with a review of applications. Salary
follows national directives and is adjusted for work experience. A dual position may be explored
in case your partner/spouse has a competitive CV and background in line with the research
activities at IPSL.


Professorship (W3) for Soil Geography and Ecosystem Research, Goethe University, Frankfurt

We seek a person who carries out excellent research on soil processes and functions as part of ecosystems across scales in order to support sustainable soil management. The use of advanced data analyses methods such as GIS, remote sensing or modelling is desirable. Teaching of soil science and soil geography, including soil science field practice, is expected for the study programs BSc Geography, MSc Physical Geography, MSc Environmental Sciences and Geography for school teachers.
Cooperation with working groups of the Institute of Physical Geography is expected in order to foster integrative analyses of human-environment interactions and soil processes in their ecosystem context (e.g. interactions with vegetation, hydrology and landscape-forming processes). In addition, the research activities should be integrated into the transdisciplinary sustainability research at the Goethe University (including the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre SBiK-F and the Institute for Social-Ecological Research ISOE). The professorship is associated with the management of the Physical Geography laboratory; appropriate methodological knowledge is desirable. Didactic skills and the willingness to become involved with academic self-administration are a prerequisite.
Experience in the management of employees is also desirable. Since the successful candidate will be involved in school teacher training, experience and knowledge in this area are welcomed.
For further information regarding the general conditions for professorship appointments, please see:
Scientists with exceptional research and teaching accomplishments are invited to submit their applications with the following documents: CV, scientific career, publication list, list of external funding, teaching experience, certificates, results of teaching evaluations and teaching and research plans (1-2 pages each) as well as the three most important publications. Full applications have to be submitted as a single PDF-file by 11.05.2021 to the Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences/Geography, Goethe University ( In case of questions please contact Prof. Dr. Petra Döll (


Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bergen, Norway

The postdoc will be a part of the Centre for Research-based Innovation - Climate Futures ( funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Climate Futures is a new and ambitious project to develop climate services in Norway based on subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction.

The postdoc will extend the application of data assimilation methods to initialize the land component within the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model. The postdoc will work on theoretical and technical developments, and in performing numerical experiments on high-performance computers. This position will contribute to improve climate predictions on sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales, which are of great interest to Climate Futures’ stakeholders, and this may require interaction with these stakeholders. The postdoc will work in close collaboration with the Climate Futures team, the developers of the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model at the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research, and with the Data Assimilation group at NERSC. The deadline is on the 28th April 2021.

More info on the following link:


Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University, USA
We are seeking a Postdoc Associate with expertise in soil/vegetation carbon modeling within the Earth system context. The successful candidate will work in a multi-disciplinary project that integrates “bottom-up” Earth System Model simulations constrained by multiple satellite observations and “top-down” atmospheric CO2 inversion to quantify carbon budgets at high spatial resolution in Africa. This position involves close collaborations with a multidisciplinary team in remote sensing, terrestrial ecosystem modeling, data assimilation, and atmospheric carbon inversion at Cornell University and NASA JPL. More specifically, this position will build upon the NCAR CESM/CLM framework to improve estimates of the above- and below-ground carbon fluxes/storage and their responses to changing environments and land management.
The position holder will be responsible for the calibration/validation of a soil organic carbon model, i.e., SOMic, and the implementation of SOMic into the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)-CLM model. The incumbent will run CLM-SOMic and interpret the soil carbon fluxes and storage, and communicate them at scientific conferences and meetings, as well as write reports and publications.
Ph.D. or equivalent in soil biogeochemistry, terrestrial ecology, physical geography, or climate modeling.  Demonstrated experience in NCAR CLM and/or soil modeling is required. Programming experience with Fortran is strongly preferred; programming experience C++ and/or R is also preferred. In addition, preference will also be given to candidates with experiences in satellite remote sensing and/or geospatial analysis.
This is a full-time (100% FTE) position and will be located in Ithaca, New York. This is a one-year appointment with possible extension depending on available work, funding and performance.
Application Instructions
Interested applicants should submit a CV, letter of interest, research statement, teaching statement, contact information for 3 references and a statement of contribution to diversity, equity, and inclusion via Academic Jobs Online at the following link:  Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a candidate is selected. Applications must be submitted by 05/31/21 date.  If you have questions about this position, please email



Job submission via e-mail to Sagar Gautam (sgautam at


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