Vacancies 14 Sep., 2021
Vacancies in soil science and related fields. Use ISMC Vacancies as reference.
Consultants - call for tender to train NGOs in East and West Africa
The German NGO NABU is looking for external consultants to train East and West African green NGOs:
• on organisational development
• on Climate Smart Agriculture
L´ONG allemande NABU recherche des consultants externes pour former des ONG vertes d'Afrique de l'Est et de l'Ouest:
• sur le développement organisationnel
• sur l'agriculture intelligente face au climat
Link to access call for tender // lien pour accéder à l'appel d'offre
Deadline submission is extended to 1st of October // La date limite de soumission est prolongée jusqu'au 1er octobre
PostDoc Area: Leaching of herbicides in coarse textured soil - soil column studies, Switzerland
Introduction The project aims at better understanding the leaching behaviour of herbicides in subsoils containing a high percentage of large stones. To this end, soil column leaching experiments will be conducted in the laboratory. The results will support the interpretation of herbicide leaching in outdoor lysimeters.
Tasks - Performing leaching experiments with lab scale columns filled with subsoils with defined proportion of large stones both with inert tracers and selected herbicides under unsaturated conditions - Conducting the necessary instrumental analyses of tracers and herbicides in soil leachate with LC-MS/MS - Modelling solute transport in the soil columns (HYDRUS-1D)
Requirements - PhD in the field of hydrology, environmental or natural sciences - Practice with analytical techniques - Experience with soil column experiments and soil hydrological modelling is an asset - Communicative personality with an independent and solution-oriented working style - Good knowledge of English (working language is German)
Details, Ref. Nr. 47041 or Dr. Roy Kasteel @agroscope
Jr. Prof. in Soil Science at KU Leuven, Belgium
For the present vacancy, we wish to recruit a junior academic staff member, in the tenure track system, willing to develop a research program at the forefront of soil science, seeking to unravel the biological, geochemical and pedo-genetic processes that determine soil quality, in particular soil fertility, as a determinant of sustainable agricultural production, with attention for productivity in developing countries.
The challenge of producing sufficient food for a growing and more prosperous world population within the carrying capacity of the Earth will form the overarching framework of your research. It will require an integrative approach and close collaboration with related disciplines, and may focus on natural and anthropogenic changes that affect soil quality, on changes in agro-ecosystems, on soil management options that improve the productive capacity of the soil.
You set up an international collaboration around your research program.
You make use of, and provide scientific support for the analytical lab facilities of the Division Soil and Water Management (stable isotope instrumentation, ICP-MS and ICP-OES, growth chambers, radioactive tracer work, state-of-the-art microbiological methods, LC-MS/MS).
Postdoctoral Researcher, Northern Arizona University, USA
We seek a Postdoctoral researcher to work on a newly funded project that will couple experimental observations and model predictions of permafrost carbon dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. This exciting project aims to improve understanding and model predictability of one of the most rapidly changing aspects of the terrestrial biosphere, and one that has large implications for climate change. The position will be based in the Center of Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern Arizona University, host to the Permafrost Carbon Network and a wide range of ongoing ecosystem studies in the Arctic. Deadline: Oct 15 2021. See link for the details.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Mississippi State University, USA
The Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute is seeking to hire a postdoctoral associate in connection with the US Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) National Sedimentation Laboratory and the Long Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network. This position is associated with LTAR research, including several field-scale experiments evaluating system-level benefits of management practices such as cover crops, minimal tillage, and crop rotations. This project aims to support long-term research of systems-level benefits of best management practices in the Mississippi Delta. The postdoctoral associate will support this project by managing data collection and experimental logistics, and analyzing data from several eddy-covariance (EC) towers located at farms across the Delta. The associate will also contribute to other aspects of the project depending on skills and expertise, and author or co-author peer reviewed journal articles. Deadline: N/A. See link for the details
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Arizona, USA
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate I with a background in trace gas instrumentation and scientific programming to join an interdisciplinary team developing soil gas sensors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). We are looking for a key member to join our NSF-funded Signals in the Soil (SitS) project, “SitS: Sniffing the Soil Volatilome: Decoding Microbial Interactions in Soil Systems using Subsurface Sensors,” to evaluate soil VOC sensors against high-resolution chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) in controlled and complex soil systems. This is an interdisciplinary research project, and the candidate need not be familiar with all of the relevant methods. Deadline: N/A. See link for details.
The Foster and Coco Stanback Postdoctoral Fellowship, Caltech, USA
The Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute of Technology invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in global environmental science beginning in the fall of 2022. The intent of the program is to support innovative and creative early career scientists working in global environmental science, including areas such as biogeochemistry, glaciology, paleo-climatology, and the atmosphere and ocean sciences, and to nurture the careers of exceptional individuals who contribute to building the diversity and inclusivity of the scientific enterprise. Deadline: December 1, 2021. See link for the details.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finland
Aalto Remote Sensing Research Team (, led by prof. Miina Rautiainen, has a vacancy for a highly talented and motivated postdoc to work in a research project (PEATSPEC) funded by the Academy of Finland (2022-2025).
The PEATSPEC project focuses on remote sensing of boreal peatlands. Peatlands spark heated environmental and economic discussions in Finland, and they play a major role in climate change mitigation. Deadline: Sept 30, 2021. See link for details.
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Riverside, USA
The Catchment Hydrology and Spatial Analysis Lab ( in the Department of Environmental Sciences at University of California-Riverside invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in Integrated Groundwater-Land Surface Modeling to understand ecohydrologic processes of mountain-valley aquifer systems in the Sierra Nevada California. The selected candidate will lead the Integrated Groundwater-Land Surface Modeling experiments using the ParFlow. Deadline: NA, See PI’s tweet for the details.
Job submission via e-mail to Sagar Gautam (sgautam at