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Vacancies 04 Feb. 2020

Vacancies in soil science and related fields. Use ISMC Vacancies as reference.


Postdoctoral fellowship in Digital Soil Mapping, in Esalq/USP, Brazil (Benito Bonfatti)
The Soil Science Department of ESALQ / USP is looking for a soil scientist with experience in Remote Sensing, Geoprocessing and Pedometry, to participate in the development of a research project in the field of digital soil mapping, as well as activities by the group of geotechnologies applied to soil science. The candidate will also participate in the activities of the geotechnologies in soil science group. It is a one year program at Piracicaba, S?o Paulo, Brazil. Soil knowledge and geography experience are important. Experience with software such as R, ENVI, ArcGIS, QGIS and/or others related to image processing. Statistical experience in geoprocessing, modeling and digital soil mapping. For application, send an updated curriculum, PhD or Doctor Diploma and two recommendation letters.
Please, send all material to until February 28, 2020.

Multiple Graduate Research Assistantships - University of Hawai'i

Funding for a PhD/M.Sc. graduate research assistantship is available through the
Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. Research
assistant will aid in accomplishing the grant objectives related to field collection and laboratory
analysis of Hawai’i Island soils. Under faculty supervision, duties will include, but not be limited
to, coordinating project activities, conducting field sample collection of soils, processing and
analyzing soils, conducting data cleaning and analysis, and contributing to manuscript and
report writing. Position involves working with an interdisciplinary team.
Application: Send (1) Letter of application indicating skill and interest, (2) Two letters of
recommendation (if not on file in department), and (3) Curriculum vitae to Dr. Noa Lincoln, at Deadline: May 31st, 2020. Starting Date: After July 1st, 2020

Ph.D. Student and Post-Doctoral Opportunities: Agroecosystem Ecology and Soil Science
The Pietrasiak lab at New Mexico State University invites applications for a USDA-AFRI sponsored Ph.D. assistantship in the Plant and Environmental Science (PES) program starting in summer/fall 2020. This project is a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary study with PI’s spanning disciplines such as Environmental Sciences, Rangeland, and Global Change Ecology to using cutting edge techniques in Microbiology, Plant Genomics, and Ecology.
Objectives: 1) To characterize biological soil crust microbiomes and 2) to understand and quantify their influence on rangeland plant performance and stress responses in the presence of drought and grazing.
You will have the unique opportunity to work in the scenic setting of the Colorado Plateau for the field component with the lab and coursework on NMSU’s campus at Las Cruces, NM. Moreover, you will be using cutting edge -omics approaches to investigate the soil microbiomes, their metabolomics, and chemical exudations, and their impacts on soil biogeochemical properties that potentially feedback to rangeland plants.
Qualifications: Successful candidates will have a strong academic record in microbiology, ecology, biology, environmental science, soil science, or a similar natural resource related field, as well as the ability to effectively collaborate as well as work independently. Preference will be given to applicants who have previous research experience in microbial ecology and an enthusiasm for field, greenhouse, lab work, and bioinformatics. Positions will be funded mainly through research assistantships with opportunities for teaching assistantships while one semester of teaching is required for the Ph.D. program in the PES Department at NMSU.
Contact: Please contact PI Nicole Pietrasiak at to apply or inquire further information about the available positions. When contacting PI Pietrasiak, please include:
•    A brief letter of interest that includes projected research and career goals.
•    Current CV, scanned GRE scores and unofficial transcripts
Interviews will be conducted on a rolling basis, however, for full consideration please send materials by Feb 28, 2020.
More information about the graduate program at NMSU’s Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences can be found at and the NMSU graduate school at


Ph.D. Assistantship at Virginia Tech Coupling Forest Hydrology and Nutrient Cycling

We are recruiting a Ph.D. student to work on a project related to nitrogen cycling and hydrology in forested catchments beginning fall 2020. The student will join a large collaborative team with opportunities for work in New Zealand and at the USDA Forest Service Coweeta Hydrologic Lab.  Preference given to students with a M.S. in forest soils and hydrology or related fields.  To be considered for the position, or for more information, please contact Brian Strahm ( and Kevin McGuire (

ISRIC has several vacancies, some of which may be of interest to you or someone you know. Feel free to forward!
Digital Soil Mapping Specialist at ISRIC - World Soil Information


Faculty Position at Michigan State University

Position Title: Assistant Professor ‐ Tenure System, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of Engineering
The Departments of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) and Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Michigan State University (MSU) invite applications for a tenure‐system faculty position at the Assistant Professor level with an anticipated starting date of August 16, 2020. Candidates must have appropriate academic background and a doctoral degree at the time of appointment. The Departments are looking for a highly motivated individual who can complement the missions, expertise and current strengths in both departments and contribute to these in teaching, research and service. Candidates with interests and demonstrated background in any area of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and any other related engineering disciplines are encouraged to apply.


Multiple Graduate Research Assistantships in Soil Science at the University of Tennessee

MSc. and two Ph.D. students in the Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science (BESS) at the University of Tennessee (UT), Knoxville, TN. The applicants for these positions must have a B.S. degree (for the MS position) or M.S. degree (for the Ph.D. positions) in one of the following fields: soil science, environmental science, geochemistry, microbiology, biogeochemistry or closely related fields with demonstrated experience in soil-related research involving field and/or laboratory components. Applicants should also possess excellent academic record, strong oral and written communication skills, excellent work ethic, and the ability to work independently as well as collaboratively. Demonstrated ability in peer-reviewed publications and analytical instrumentation are a plus. Additional responsibilities include presenting research findings in professional meetings and assembling and analyzing data for journal publications. A valid driver license is also required. The successful applicants will receive a tuition waiver, a competitive stipend, and health insurance. Interested candidates for these positions should submit the application to the project investigators listed below. The application should include a recent CV, a cover letter describing experience and qualifications, unofficial copies of transcripts, GRE and TOEFL scores (if applicable), a copy of your publications (if any), and contact information for three references. The scrutiny of applications will begin immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are selected.
The selected applicants will also gain access to ORNL’s research capabilities. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Sindhu Jagadamma, Assistant Professor, BESS, UT (, 865-974-2690) or Dr. Elizabeth Herndon, Staff Scientist, ORNL (, 865-341-0330).


Assistant or Associate Professorship in Understanding Land-Water-Energy Systems using Machine Learning and Data Analytics
The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences through the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI) at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, seeks to hire tenure-line faculty at the Assistant or Associate rank who study Earth and environmental sciences using new data-driven tools and methods. Candidates for the rank of Associate Professor typically will have several years of research experience and already hold tenure at another institution and/or qualify for immediate tenure at Penn State. Successful candidates will have expertise in at least one of the following areas: data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, or deep learning.

Apply online at


9 research vacancies within the Agricultural Catcment Programme in Irland

It’s my pleasure to inform that we are advertising 9 new contract research positions to work within the Teagasc Agricultural Catchments Programme (ACP) in the Department of Environment, Soils and Landuse, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Ireland. These posts are initially until the end of 2023 but will extend beyond that date we hope. The positions range from research posts on hydrochemistry, soil-atmosphere-water modelling, soils and gaseous emissions, and technical posts in the gaseous emissions and environmental areas. This is a really exciting opportunity to join the internationally acclaimed ACP and work collaboratively with leading experts.  
I would really appreciate if you could make any potentially interested candidates aware of the vacancies. The list and link to the job descriptions can be found below.

  1. Ref 72 – Research Officer – Gaseous Emissions Researcher
  2. Ref 73 – Technologist - Gaseous Emissions Researcher
  3. Ref 74 – Research Officer – Biophysical Modeller
  4. Ref 75 – Research Officer – Soil Researcher
  5. Ref 76 -  Environmental and Agricultural Technician x 4
  6. Ref 77 – Research Officer – Hydrochemist


PhD position in root-soil modelling

The work will be part of the program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) “Plant roots and soil ecosystems: Importance of the rhizosphere for the bioeconomy” in the framework of the “National Research Strategy Bioeconomy 2030”.
The RhizoWheat project aims at elucidating and quantifying the key (rhizosphere) processes governing yield decline of wheat as a second or third wheat in a crop rotation. We will establish a model framework enabling the prediction of yield decline as a function of initial soil inoculum and environmental factors, as well as identify beneficial management options. The project strives to reach the above objectives using a combined approach of long-term field experiments and specially designed container experiments as well as simulation models on different scales.

You will be responsible for the enhancement of the dynamic root growth module of the 3-dimensional CPlantBox model to include senescence and its effect on root water uptake from soil and other plant-soil interactions. Model parameterisation and evaluation will be based on the experimental data from this project.
Your tasks in detail:

    Implementation of senescence and its effects in a 3-dimensional root architecture model
    Parameterise this model based on experimental data
    Root image analysis
    Perform simulations of root and soil interactions
    Present and publish results at national and international conferences and peer reviewed journals


PhD position in experimental work on rhizosphere processes of wheat

The RhizoWheat project aims at elucidating and quantifying the key (rhizosphere) processes governing yield decline of wheat as a second or third wheat in a crop rotation. We will conduct a series of experiments in newly developed rhizotron systems to study the causes of the yield decline as a function of crop rotation and environmental factors, as well as try to develop suitable management options. The project strives to reach the above objectives using a combined approach of long-term field experiments and specially designed rhizotron experiments as well as simulation models on different scales.

You will be responsible for conducting rhizotron experiments using stable isotope labelling to quantify root water and nutrient uptake, root exudation and rhizosphere soil carbon and nitrogen turnover as a function of root developmental stage and senescence induced by the take-all disease of wheat, i.e. a fungal infection. The experimental data of this project will be used for model parameterisation and evaluation.


PhD Assistantship - Indianapolis
The Department of Earth Sciences at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) seeks a motivated student interested in pursuing a PhD in Applied Earth Sciences. The student will work on a multi-institutional project funded by the Sloan Foundation to investigate climate-smart farming systems conducive to net-zero emission. Student will be involved in field experiments, greenhouse gas analysis and reporting, and data synthesis. The position is available starting July 2020, but an earlier start date is possible. The research assistantship provides a competitive stipend, tuition remission and health insurance. Applicants must hold a Master degree in agronomy, forestry, hydrology, environmental sciences or related disciplines, and have strong oral and written communication skills.

Post-doctoral Biogeochemical Modeler research position (1 year with possible extension)
The incumbent will conduct modeling exercises for the prediction of greenhouse gas emissions at the regional scale and mechanistic hypotheses generation. Within the regional greenhouse gas emission assessments, the work will be focused on estimates of C sequestration and N2O emissions from arable land under different agricultural practices and different future climate scenarios in Kenya and Switzerland. Experience with process-based soil organic matter models (e.g. DayCent, ECOSSE, DNDC) is highly desirable. The incumbent is also expected to supervise M.S. students.; you can find a call for a postdoc position in Johan Six’s lab at ETH-Zurich, where our colleague Marijn Van de Broek works.


Lab Tech and Graduate Research Assistant Position available at University of Delaware
Our research is directed toward understanding the processes governing trace-element and nutrient cycling in the rhizosphere and uptake by plants.  Our research is trans-disciplinary, spanning the fields of Environmental Soil Chemistry, Plant Physiology, Analytical Chemistry, and Human Toxicology.  Opportunities for research include both laboratory and field components from the nanoscale to the field-scale. Lab website:
We have a position available for a laboratory technician (full or part time, negotiable).  Job duties include laboratory organization and maintenance, assistance with laboratory experiments and sample collection (field).  Opportunities exist for independent research to the extent desired by the applicant, but is not required.  
Requirements: B.S. degree in Chemistry, Environmental Science, Soil Science, Biology, or related field.  
Highly desirable: Experience with wet chemical methods and analytical chemistry and/or molecular techniques.  


USDA-ARS St. Paul MN Research Soil Scientist/Research Agricultural Engineer
The USDA-ARS Soil &Water Management Unit in St. Paul MN is seeking applicants for a Research Soil Scientist or Research Agricultural Engineer to address water quality issues in agricultural watersheds, particularly at the 10 and 12 digit scale, using both novel field methods and models.  Applications will be accepted until January 8, 2020.  Desired qualifications and application instructions can be found at:



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Job submission via e-mail to the coordination office (r.baatz at fz-juelich . de) or via this form.



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