postdoc position in Integrated Assessment Modelling at Centre for Agricultural Research (Hungary)
Post: Post-Doc Research Fellow Project: AgroMo: Interdisciplinary Research Group for Promoting Climate-Smart and Sustainable Agriculture, funded by the Széchenyi 2020 programme, the European Regional Development Fund and the Hungarian Government (GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00028) Duration: 40 months Expected starting date: September 2017 Gross salary: 4000-4500 €/month (depending on experience) Host institution: Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungary (2462, Martonvásár Brunszvik str. 2.) Context and Objectives: The main objective of the project is to elaborate strategies for promoting sustainable development of agricultural production among changing environmental and economic circumstances as well as for reducing the negative impacts of agricultural practices on climate and the environment in Hungary. The major (overlapping) steps of the project are the following: 1) Creation of a multidisciplinary research team from the experts of the following disciplines: climatology, plant physiology, plant production, micro- biology, ecology, agro-meteorology, bio-geo-chemistry, soil science, geo-informatics and economy. 2) Development of an agro-pedo-climatological experimental platform (including FACE rings, lysimeter station, eddy-covariance stations, soil respiration monitoring equipment) that combines the legacy of Hungarian long-term experiments with cutting edge monitoring and ICT tools using a holistic approach. Monitoring of the major transformation and flow processes in the atmosphere-soil-plant system. 3) Create fine spatial resolution climate projections using different RCPs and GCMs. 4) Development of a modular and flexible integrated modelling environment (AgroMo) by coupling the 4M crop model and Biome-BGC MuSo biogeochemical model capable of simulating the agricultural systems at different scale (from plot to country) in a spatially explicit way. During the model development several major crop model ’weaknesses’ will also be addressed. Data from the experimental platform (along with other data) will be used for calibrating and validating the AgroMo modules. 5) Development of strategies for enhancing climate-smart and sustainable agricultural production in Hungary at various levels. Creation of ‘white book’ for policy makers. The postdoc research fellow will work in a team located in Martonvásár (30 km from Budapest). His/Her major tasks will be the following: Planning and coordinating the development of the integrated modelling environment; Expanding the possible circle of applications of AgroMo, exploring connections to other sectors (e.g. livestock production); Development of adaptation and mitigation scenarios for modelling studies, Translation of (scientific) project results for the stakeholders of the agricultural sector: Mapping and engagement with relevant stakeholder groups, development and sense checking of mitigation and adaptation scenarios with identified stakeholders; Producing ‘White book’ on mitigation and adaptation strategies for policy makers; Publication of project results in peer-reviewed scientific papers; Networking with other (similar) research groups.
Experience in using dynamic models (parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis, etc.) and utilizing their results in practical ways is also a requirement.
Job application: Candidates should contact Dr. Nándor Fodor ( before 15th June, 2017 providing a detailed CV, letter of motivation as well as the name and contact info of two scientific references.