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Postdoc position in carbon cycle research at University of California

The UCLA Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS) seeks two postdoctoral scholars in observation and modelling of the biosphere, supervised by Prof. Ulli Seibt and Prof. Jochen Stutz. The positions would begin in the Winter of 2018 and are initially for one year, with the option of renewals for up to two years, contingent on satisfactory progress.

The research area is the observation and modelling of land biosphere fluxes of OCS/CO2/H2O and solar induced fluorescence (SIF). One position focuses on the acquisition and interpretation of field data from flux towers in the rainforest in Costa Rica, agricultural fields in Iowa, and the boreal forest in central Canada. The second position has a stronger focus on numerical modeling activities related to the field data. Combining the various datasets will be a component of both positions.

Candidates with experience in biosphere remote sensing, gas exchange measurements, carbon cycle modeling, or related research areas are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences or a related field, proof of effective oral and written communication skills, and strong analytical skills.

Applicants should submit (1) a statement of research interests and goals, no longer than one page, (2) a complete CV, including contact information for three references, and (3) at least one first- authored publication/manuscript. The materials should be addressed to Ulli Seibt and Jochen Stutz (, Consideration of applications will begin on Nov 1, 2017, and continue until the position is filled.

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