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Vacancies 24 Jan. 2019

Vacancies on soil science and related fields.


Group Leader of Helmholtz Young Investigator Group, Jülich, Germany
The Agrosphere Institute at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH is looking for an excellent group leader with expertise on
continental scale convection permitting modeling of earth surface processes using integrated numerical models.
Suitable candidates contact Harry Vereecken h.vereecken at with a short CV.

This call is directed towards excellent researchers who have between two and six years’ post-doctoral experience and documented research experience abroad (see Annex 2).
The most important selection criterion is the outstanding quality of the candidates (CV, publications, citation index, awards, etc.) and the planned research project (innovation capacity, relevance, struc-ture, coherence, feasibility). Further criteria include the strategic importance for the nominating institu-tion (the host Helmholtz Center) and clearly discernible synergy effects resulting from the cooperation between the Helmholtz Center and the partner university.
The Helmholtz Young Investigator Group program is primarily a recruiting instrument. Candidates already employed by a Helmholtz Center are eligible but have to demonstrate international experi-ence, competitiveness and mobility to a special degree.
The Helmholtz Association especially wishes to attract promising female scientists to continue their careers in science. At least 40% of Young Investigator Group leader positions in this call should therefore be awarded to women.
Young Investigator Groups thus generally receive a minimum of €300,000 a year for six years. This covers costs for:
- the group leader position, normally at E 14/15 TVöD (collective agreement 14/15 for civil service employees),
- scientific or technical staff (normally three or four),
- expenses for materials, travel, and investments.

More on the call text, here:


PostDoc at Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Israel
Candidates interested in conducting postdoctoral research at the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research (BIDR) are invited to apply for postdoctoral fellowships from the Jacob Blaustein Center for Scientific Cooperation. These fellowships are for the 2019-2020 academic year and are eligible to be renewed for a second year. Postdoctoral positions are available for scholars performing research in topics related to drylands, including: desert ecology, solar energy, environmental physics, architecture and urban planning, rainfed and irrigated agriculture, hydrology, aquaculture, environmental microbiology, desalination and water treatment, and biotechnology. A detailed list of the various research activities of the Institutes’ faculty can be found at
Detailed instructions on the preparation and submission of applications can be found at:



Research assistant in Machine learning and remote sensing, Osnabrück, Germany
The successful applicant will aim at the development of state-of-the-art methods in the field
of machine learning (e.g. deep-learning, CNN) for analyzing large data sets of multisensor
remote sensing imagery. The work tasks include field work, presentation of results at conferences,
peer-reviewed publications, and teaching.
• Involvement in research
• Teaching duty on bachelor and master level
• Development of own research concepts and supporting applications for third-party
• The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work towards a Habilitation
More info here.


Hydrogeochemist (Assistant or Associate Scientist) at University of Kansas, USA
Full-time position to lead KGS hydrogeochemical investigations.
Faculty-equivalent, sabbatical-eligible position at the rank of Assistant or entry-level Associate Scientist. Requires Ph.D. with an emphasis on aqueous geochemistry related to water resources and scientific leadership potential.
Emphasis on state-of-the-science field studies and complementary theoretical research. Complete announcement/application info at Review of applications will begin March 4, 2019.
Apply online at For further information contact Geoff Bohling ( or Don Whittemore ( For further information about other aspects of the position, contact Annette Delaney, HR, at or 785-864-2152.
KU is an EO/AAE,
Public - accessible to all site users


Postdoctoral Researcher -- Terrestrial Ecology, Argonne National Laboratory
The Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory ( seeks a postdoctoral researcher to contribute to a large, multi-institution project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy to evaluate the impacts of switchgrass traits/phenology, productivity, and associated microbiome diversity on carbon cycling across continental scale environmental gradients. This researcher will collaborate with a team of scientists to investigate how broad changes in temperature, precipitation, photoperiod, soil properties, and ecotypic variation in switchgrass interact to influence plant growth and carbon cycle responses at the ecosystem level. The successful candidate should have knowledge of terrestrial ecology and ecosystem processes with training/expertise in one or more of the following topic areas: plant growth, plant-soil-microbe interactions, carbon and nutrient dynamics, and soil organic matter pools.
To view a full position description and apply, visit and perform a Job Search by requisition number 405342


PostDoc in hydrologic agricultural economics coupled systems at University of Montana, USA
The Regional Hydrology Lab in the Geosciences Department and the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG), both at the University of Montana, invite applications for a postdoctoral researcher. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. John Kimball and Dr. Marco Maneta to exploit remote sensing derived estimates of crop yields and water use to drive a hydro-economic modeling framework to investigate how farmers allocate land and water resources in response to drought, economic and policy constraints.
The successful candidate will be part of a NASA and USDA funded interdisciplinary team of researchers including remote sensing specialists, hydroclimatologists, and water policy specialists developing transformative decision support tools and integrated hydro-economic models of agricultural production. The models are driven by field observations, multi-sensor satellite remote sensing of crop yields and water use, outputs from regional climate models, and socioeconomic data for Montana agricultural systems. The candidate will be expected to develop their own research within the overall project framework and will interact with Principal Investigators, other research scientists, public and private industry stakeholders. The candidate will also participate as a productive member of a larger interdisciplinary research group pioneering new ecological remote sensing applications.
The duties for the position will include digital image processing and integration of multi-sensor and multi-scale satellite remote sensing and other geospatial data into a newly developed hydro-economic model of agricultural production; adding new features and components to the model; improving or developing model-data integration methods; simulating the impact of alternative climate, water and policy scenarios on agricultural resource allocation (water and land), water value; rural revenues, and water stocks; conducting independent research, writing scientific papers and publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals; conducting public outreach and giving oral presentations on research findings.  
Candidates should have a PhD in Engineering, hydrology or related discipline and strong computational and modeling expertise, especially using Python. We also expect experience with numerical methods, data assimilation techniques, and experience using and manipulating raster and vector datasets.
Priority application date is February 1st, however the position is open until filled.  
Please submit the following application materials to Prof. Marco Maneta:
•    Curriculum vitae– listing education and describing work experience
•    Statement of research interests – to the attention of Dr. Marco Maneta or Dr. John Kimball
•    Professional References – names and contact information for three (3) professional references.


PhD student positions with a degree in Earth System Modelling
This PhD position is associated with the Joint Research Group of the Helmholtz and the Russian Science Foundation on European hydro-climate extremes. The research group will address European hydro-climate extremes in a holistic manner by employing a fully coupled scale-consistent physics-based numerical Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform in conjunction with available observational data sets, reanalyses, advanced diagnostics, and regional and global climate model simulations. You will perform state of the art coupled simulations and analyze the results over the European continent including human water use impacts. You will establish hydro-climate extremes diagnostics and evaluate the impact of extreme events on the water cycle and dynamics.
More info here: Link.

2 PhD positions in the field of soil science, isotope tracing, microbial ecology, ecosystem ecology at Uni Vienna, Austria
1. Soil microbial carbon metabolism and necromass formation enhance SOC storage
   Please mention internal reference number: 9294
2. Decadal forest soil warming: Effects on soil carbon and nutrient dynamics

The application deadline is by mid to end January 2019. Please apply, or encourage suitable, interested undergraduate students looking for a project to do so. Please find further information in the two pdf attachments.
For any other information, feel free to contact
Wolfgang Wanek ( or
Christina Kaiser (, as indicated in the PhD advertisements.

More info here: link.


9 PhD projects offered by Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and BGC Jena (Germany)


  • Linking atmospheric and landsurface observations for a better understanding of climate-biosphere interactions (more info)
  • Dimensions in trait variability on different spatial scales and organizational levels (more info)
  • Cavity enhanced Raman spectroscopy for highly sensitive monitoring of biogenic gases (more info)
  • Understanding land-atmosphere interactions in seasonally dry systems using lysimeters data (more info)
  • Quantifying and understanding climate extremes: effects on the terrestrial biosphere and society (more info)
  • Water-carbon-cycle interactions across scales (more info)
  • Integrating machine learning and traditional modelling for ecohydrology (more info)
  • Changes in global vegetation (more info)
  • Effects of bedrock or mineral soil (mineralogy) on bulk soil 14C-content: Implications for soil carbon turnover and climate change prediction (more info)
  • Quantification of biotic and abiotic impacts on soil carbon dynamics (more info)
  • Influence of plant and soil diversity on molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (more info)
  • How elevated CO2 affects soil carbon turnover and nutrient mobilization by modifying interactions between plants and soil organisms (more info)
  • Effect of tree planting, species composition and diversity on soil organic carbon storage and turnover (more info)
  • Reconstruction of subsurface flow networks in the critical zone using natural organic tracers (more info)

More info here:


PhD in High Latitude Hydrology
The deadline for applications to the UF Water Institute Graduate Fellows program has been extended through January 31, 2019, in part because of the recent addition of one additional fellowship in Science Communication by the UF College of Journalism and Communication.  More information can be found at or by contacting Jon Martin:



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