ISMC Conference 2021
- 3rd ISMC Conference - Advances in Modeling Soil Systems
The 3rd ISMC Conference - Advances in Modeling Soil Systems on May 18-22, 2021 is hosted as virtual event.
Special Issue in Big Earth Data
Details can be found on our website. and on the journal's website.Book of Abstracts ISMC2021
Download here:
Meeting Access (Zoom links and Gather.Town links)
- Oral session: 15 minutes prior to the session start a button to the Zoom room will appear in the online programme
- Interactive session: room links appear for poster viewing by 18th May in the online programme
- Please make sure you have registered for ISMC2021. If you have not yet registered, please register at at your earliest convenience.
- Have your log in details (Copernicus Office user ID and password) ready.
- Access the conference programme at:
- Please click the button “Enter Zoom Webinar” to access the oral sessions. The button to access the interactive poster sessions is entitled “Enter Gather.Town[time CEST (time zone)]”.
- A notification informs you that you are transferred to Zoom/Gather.Town. Please click “ok”.
- You are now transferred to the virtual conference room.
Mark your Calendar:
Opening of the conference 18th May 2021 - 1pm UTC
Registration Deadline:
Remains open throughout the conference.
The conference programme: addresses recent research in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere continuum centered around soils over all spatial scales, time scales, and elements - from processes to prediction.
- Rien van Genuchten Award
- ISMC Early Career Award
- ISMC Publication Award
- Early Career ISMC Presentation Award
Oral talks
- All speakers are allowed to pre-record their talk given it is made available easily and timely.
- The convener team convenes the session via zoom webinar together with one facilitator to allow for smooth scientific and technical conduct.
- Both, oral and poster presenters are asked to be present during the poster session and upload one poster to the poster session.
Interactive poster session
- The poster session takes place directly after the oral presentations. Participants change from Zoom Webinar to (works on Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge; it does not work on Safari),
- Presenters are asked to upload one poster file for virtual display as high resolution PNG to a directory specified and communicated before 10th May.
- Upload must be done by 17th May 24h CEST by the presenter. The PNG will be further deployed by the facilitator in the virtual poster gallery.
- All poster sessions will take place in the format with video chat and free virtual roaming by all participants.
Check out the ISMC gather town tutorial: Here
- Abstracts submission (on-going): 50 EUR
- Early bird registration (deadline 15th April): 25 EUR
- Late bird registration (deadline 3rd May): 50 EUR
Conference registration and abstract processing charges cover the following expenses:
- Webinar software
- Poster and interactive software
- Conference, abstract, programme and invoice management
- Technical assistanceOrganizing Committee:
Ana Maria Tarquis (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Anne Verhoef (The University of Reading)
Bhavna Arora (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Dani Or (ETH Zurich)
Gautam Sagar (Sandia National Laboratory)
Harry Vereecken (Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH)
Jan Vanderborght (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
Jiri Simunek (University of California Riverside)
Katherine Todd-Brown (University of Florida)
Martine J van der Ploeg (Wageningen University)
Michael Young (University of Texas at Austin)
Morteza Sadeghi (University of Minnesota)
Roland Baatz (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
Scott L Painter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Teamrat A Ghezzehei (University of California Merced)
Tiejun Wang (Tianjin University)
Umakant Mishra (Sandia National Laboratory)
Ute Wollschlaeger (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)
Xi Chen (Tianjin University)
Yijian Zeng (University of Twente)
Yonggen Zhang (Tianjin University)Session Conveners and the ISMC Executive Board form the Scientific Programme Committee.