Working with Dynamic Soil-Crop Models – an Intensive Course
Online Food for thought sessions of the Summer School
“Working with Dynamic Soil Crop Models” September 17th to 22th 2023
The Summer School for Working with Dynamic Soil-Crop Models, held from 17 September to 22 September hosted by the University of Kassel (Prof Dr Tobias Weber), co-hosted by the University of Bayreuth (Prof. Dr. Efstathios Diamantopoulos), and ISMC, proved to be an invaluable opportunity for researchers, students, and professionals eager to expand their understanding of methods to work with dynamic crop modeling. The summer school featured a six day extensive program with distinguised emeritus Professor Daniel Wallach, PhD, teaching with the highlights on introduction to dynamic crop models and simulation of crop growth dynamics. Participants gained insights into the process of calibrating and validating dynamic soil-crop models, enabling them to adapt models to specific regions and crops. The how to set model parameters and conduct sensitivity analyses to understand the impact of various factors on model outcomes and in practical workshops guided participants in validating and evaluating dynamic crop models to ensure their accuracy and reliability. During the week, intensive food-for-thought lectures with globally renowned scientists took place in a hybrid format, engaging local students and the wider scientific community. After a presentation on ISMC (Martine van de Ploeg), topics covered open and fair data use and methods of code documentation (Stanislav Shymanski), use of crop models for insurance purposes (Peter Thorburn) and in the field of digital agriculture (Bruno Basso) and machine learning (Ioannis Athanasiadis), and an advocation for the use of more realistic soil hydrological representation in crop models (Nick Jarvis), and lastly, a global perspective of gridded crop modelling for climate change impact assessment (Jonas Jägermeyr). All this was garnished by excellent weather, the tranquility of beautiful Witzenhausen, and social events for participants to find time to connect and discuss about their research endeavours.
Participants and lecturers of the Summer School “Working with Dynamic Soil Crop Models”
The Summer School for Working with Dynamic Crop Models was a resounding success, equipping participants with advanced skills and practical experience to work with dynamic crop modeling. It emphasized the critical role dynamic modeling plays in agricultural decision support, precision farming, and risk assessment. As participants continue to apply their newly acquired skills and collaborate on dynamic crop modeling projects, the impact of this summer school will undoubtedly extend into the future.
Soil-crop models are crucial to evaluate agricultural system management scenarios, forecasting climate change impacts, proposing new crop ideotypes and many more. While many crop models and modeling platforms exist, using them effectively requires an understanding of the major methods and main principles for practical application.
Instructors and Hosts
- Main Instructor: Daniel Wallach: Distinguished Emeritus Professor, University of Bonn, Research Director INRAe (ret), 1st author of the book Working with Dynamic Crop Models.
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Weber, Universität Kassel
- Prof. Dr. Efstathios Diamantopoulos, Universität Bayreuth
- Introduction to principles of crop modelling
- Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
- Model calibration including recent advances
- Model evaluation
- Use of multi-model ensembles
- Lectures present principles, methods, examples
- Practical sessions apply methods using R with a simple but realistic crop model
- Interspersed food-for-thought lectures to open new vistas
Deadline: 31.05.2023 (earlybird), 31.07.2023 (regular)
Course fee: 550€ (earlybird), 650€ (regular), incl. socialdinnerandISMC membership
Apply to: Send an e-mail to stating “Summer School 2023” in
the subject line
Location and Lodging
- Steinstraße 19, Witzenhausen (link; by train 20 min from Göttingen, 30 min from Kassel)
- Rooms have been reserved at Frau Holle-Land-Hotel (65€ /night single, 75€/night double) and DEULA Witzenhausen (51.50€/night single, 81€/night double, incl. breakfast). Use the code Crop Models 2023.
Basic understanding of the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System and familiarity with R is recom-mended. An optional introduction to R will be provided on Sunday afternoon, September 17.