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modelPage C source code EcoSMMARTS
A process-based soil microbial model to study the intricate interplay between moisture and carbon dynamics in soils
Located in Resources / Model portal
modelPage ECOSSE
Located in Resources / Model portal
dbPage ECV soil moisture
Global ECV soil moisture data from active and passive microwave spaceborne instruments from 1978 to 2016 at 0.25 degree
Located in Resources / Data portal
modelPage image/pict EPIC
Located in Resources / Model portal
modelPage Expert-N
Located in Resources / Model portal
dbPage Global soil hydraulic properties and sub-grid variability
A global data set of soil hydraulic properties and sub-grid variability of soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves
Located in Resources / Data portal
dbPage Harmonized World Soil Database
Located in Resources / Data portal
dbPage CMU raster image HYBRAS
Located in Resources / Data portal
modelPage D source code Hydrus 1D
Located in Resources / Model portal
modelPage D source code Hydrus 2D-3D
Located in Resources / Model portal
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